On 2020-07-21 21:54, CJB wrote:
Wondering if anyone downloaded these episodes? Actually we are seeking
the subtitle files please.

Note: episodes 11 - 40 were never aired even if the iPlayer website says

Episodes 11-20 were certainly available on iPlayer; I saw them. Moreover
I recognise the pictures of some of the participants and the details of
the tasks (eg the family with the old telescope in E14, the chap holding
the toy cannon in E15, the large homemade telescope - on the table in E16's picture, the sausage machine & samovar in E17, E18's disintegrating leather
fire bucket, E19's gramophone & piggy, and I the Strongwoman in E20).

The website does not claim that episodes 21 onwards have been transmitted.
There's no list of dates of transmission at the foot of each of those
programmes' detail pages.

The dates shown on the info boxes alongside the pictures on each such page
are probably intended transmission dates.  Maybe final editing of those
episodes is delayed (as it seems are E6 onwards of S6, maybe the latter
haven't even been filmed yet).

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own

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