On 2020-10-14 16:46, MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News wrote:
On 14/10/2020 16:27, David J Taylor wrote:

I already have ActiveState Perl (v5.16.3) installed and in constant use.  Is there a way to prevent the Windows installer overwriting that version
of Perl, and allowing get-iplayer to use it?

I never use the Windows Installer myself, like you I have a
pre-existing version of Perl.

It's been a while since I used g_ip but I was in the same situation, by
choice.  The webpages where new versions were announced used to say if
minimum versions of perl modules had changed, and warn if new ones which
brought new facilities to g_ip were needed immediately or likely to be
needed in due course (eg when XML support first came) so I'd grab the
main perl script, and separately use (and document) cpanm to install
newer versions of the modules.

I also had quite a lot of customisation of the main script, which I had
to rework, and often I'd review the actual perl code changes that had
happened commit-by-commit in the repository, to find out if any of them
looked as if they might conflict with my own changes.

Lastly, I front-ended use of g_ip by other scripts. To facilitate testing of specific versions I kept every version of g_ip itself, with and without my customisation applied, and specific examples with test code in them, so
had lots of main g_ip perl programs, with names like


that being the original copy of 2.91, and two successive mewer variants of it, so that I could be certain which version my own scripts were calling.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own

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