On Mon, 12 Apr 2021 01:11:29 +0000 (GMT)
James Robinson <jamesrobinson2...@virginmedia.com> wrote:

> Thank you for getting back to me.
> 360 and 361 I was referring to. If I run it on my Windows 7 laptop
> 360 only saves just over an hour even though it sas it has grabbed
> all of the file (in that case 3 hrs 50 mins).
> So for some reason it will not get the whole file.  This I find very
> strange. 
> If anyone can help on how I can get the whole file that would be most
> appreciated.

According to the iPlayer website the PID associated with your programme
360 is not available yet. It does show it as 3hrs 59 minutes though.

Could it be that you're running into a file size limit in Windows -
unable to create a file greater than 2GB, which is about what an hours
programme would be?

If you need help trying to create a file larger than 2GB as a test,
take a look here -

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