In article <>, MacFH - C
Macfarlane - News <> wrote:
> On 27/03/2023 10:44, Jim web wrote:

> Glad to see you're still alive and kicking.  I'd noticed your absence in
> another place and was a little worried for you.

Warning for the sensitive. Much of the following is even more OT. :-)

I'm still alive... I think!... but these days I'm ultra-busy with
non-maskable interrupts. My wife now needs 24/7 care due to some falls
added to other problems. So when it comes to time, usenet has drawn one of
the short straws in recent weeks. I also now have to be nagged by editors
when they want an item *now* "You'r holding up the magazine!"

I've also been doing an urgent task - finding a new supplier for decent FF
teas, etc. Our old one ceased trading. Sad as their teas were great, and
they are nice people. 

Now found two candidates and doing trial orders.

Back on topic...

I've got Python 3.7 installed. But as my distro is 'just out of span'
Synaptic can't find related packages beyond the ones mentioned earlier.
However I suddenly realised that I'd probably messed up in another way as
well. Apologies to all if so. I keep having to do things in a rush, which
amplifies my usual state of muddle.

I'd first tried to use -U to update yt-dip on a machine where it had been
OK, but now fails due - I suspect - to YT moving their deckchairs. The new
version there also failed. *That* machine, though runs an even older
distro, so I decided to try my newer one. But probably fouled up by simply
copying across the updated yt-dlp and latterly installing the Python 3.7.

Instead, when I can find time I'll now do the standard install approach for
yt-dlp from the net. That may then sort out things I didn't do, or did
wrong. But there is no hurry. As usual, I'm doing this for some test
reasons similar to those reported on

Say more about that if I ever get somewhere... :-) However, progress is
sloower than it used to be as I can't get as much time for things like this
as I was.

BTW The VW on Brass CD is superb. :-)


Armstrong Audio
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