Tx to all for the info. No idea how I ended up with old docs.

Before I saw this I did delete the pvrlock file (which contained the
old PID) which did the trick and only then I was able to run the PVR
scheduler. This time I did it from a command prompt which displays the
activity and also redirects it to a log e.g.
PS F:\iplayer recordings> get_iplayer --pvr-scheduler 14400 >> pvr-log.txt
This seems to work well.

Then I tried the Windows scheduled task approach as hopefully that
would survive a restart without logging in.
So far it doesn't seem to have created a log file so will do some more
testing. Though I've encountered issues before with Windows Scheduler
silently failing to run quite basic batch files, even with all the
correct rights, auth info and 'Start in' folder. These same batch
files run perfectly from a cmd line.

On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 at 12:18, iz <i...@gmx.com> wrote:
> On 4 Dec 2023, at 19:02, MrBrunes <mr.bru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > The PID never shows up in Task Manager or Process Explorer so it's reboot 
> > time.
> At most, you should only need to kill the Perl interpreter (perl.exe) process.
> >
> > How can I diagnose this?
> > Failing that, is there any way to make the PVR process more resilient,
> > or failing that is there an easier method to detect that it's stopped
> > downloading?
> Run PVR scheduler from a command prompt instead of from start menu or 
> desktop. The output should remain on-screen if it dies, or you could redirect 
> it to a file.
> >
> > The docs mention the possibility of using the Windows scheduler for
> > the PVR at 
> > https://github.com/get-iplayer/get_iplayer/wiki/documentation/09a72bf76c131c8932bbf0aef1eeb95ec85049b9#scheduling-the-pvr
> > but the external link is invalid.
> You are linking to a very obsolete version of the docs. The current version 
> has what you're after.

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