On 2024-01-28 02:50, jon92...@gmail.com wrote:
I think this started in version 3.34.0. It seems the web PVR is not
automatically refreshing the cache as it is supposed to, by default every 4

I have Auto-Refresh Cache Interval and Auto-Run PVR Interval both set to 4 hours. My installation is essentially exactly as the default install apart
from specifying different download folders for radio and tv.

I've never used the PVR so don't know what normal looks like...

Are you able to tell if any action tries to start every four hours - if not
the trigger for that might be the problem, or does <something> start but
then fail to find things, or find them but fail to update the caches?

I see you mentioned: Windows x64...  Does the PVR use Windows' "task
scheduler" to run the updater every 4 hours or its own mechanism?  If it
is the task scheduler you should be able to find the set-up for that in
task scheduler & see when Windows last thought it ran it & whether it
ran ok.  You'll also see the command it runs & eg which userid it runs

If something IS starting, does it create a log file when it runs?  If it
dosn't, can you change the parameters it uses so that it does create one?
Maybe for example there's a file permissions problem?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own

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