On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 21:11:12 +0000
MrBrunes <mr.bru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's very useful info and I had no idea that it was possible to
> change the filename, let alone that such metadata as tracklistings
> etc. were even available, so that is now added to options!
> It leaves me with a bit of a quandary in that now I'd like to use ISO
> dates e.g. firstbcastdate as an improved sorting method but of course
> all the historical download filenames are in what I had thought was a
> fixed 'dd mm yyyy' format.

I might be able to help with that problem. Attached is a zip of a bash
scrip to extract a date from an MP4 file and rename the file to suit.
It will probably need hacking about to suit your requirements but if
you get stuck, let me know. I *may* be able to solve the problem for

> But, going back to my original point, it still is rather puzzling why
> the filename now includes slashes in the episode date rather than
> converting all to spaces, as expected by the 'whitespace' option, as
> the metadata appears not to have changed. I guess I can just use
> https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/ again to process them for now as
> my sed and awk days are long gone.

Hopefully there isn't too much of that in the bash script :-)


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/ _/ _` \ V  V /  |  mailto:cdw_pcm...@the-walker-household.co.uk  |
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<<attachment: mp4_filename_from_date_tag.zip>>

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