> On 9 Mar 2024, at 12:21, Darran Ross <sleepysau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I'd like to know is, would it be possible to ask GiP to search all 
> available films and then download only those with audio description?

The short answer is no. GiP cannot search by category or version, nor can it 
search the entire iPlayer catalog. If, for example, you came up with a way to 
scrape the Films category on the iPlayer site you could probably assemble a 
list of PIDs to feed to GiP. You could also simply work your through the Films 
category and copy/paste URLs of the films you want to the command line or to a 
batch script of some sort. Tedious, but might be doable for the roughly 250 
films available. Use of --versions=audiodescribed wold prevent the download of 
any films without audio description, at the expense of some error messages.
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