Please do not take this private i for one am learning a lot



On 19/06/2024 14:44, Don Grunbaum wrote:
Apologies for the delay in replying.

I wouldn't call myself an expert, I've just inferred things with experience.

Each programme/series to be recorded has its own file in the pvr folder. The 
filename is irrelevant, except for the ONCE files generated by the web 
interface. I have all mine with a .txt suffix and edit them with notepad. I 
will often generate them with the web interface, but that doesn't allow for 
pidrecursive, so I manually edit them, as that will pick up any available 
programmes in a series even if they are not in the cache.

The pvr will also use any settings in your options file, unless you have an 
over-riding setting in your pvr file, e.g. the output setting for where the 
files go.

When it runs, the pvr reads all the files in the folder, then processes them 
one at a time. Once it is running, any changes you make to the files won't be 
picked up until the following run.

I can't comment on the file sizes, they will depend on your settings for 
quality etc. My Digging for Britain files are around 2 Gb each, if that 
compares with yours.

If other GiP users aren't interested in this, we can take the conversation out 
of the list, is you wish.


-----Original Message-----
From: get_iplayer <> On Behalf Of Budge
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2024 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: BBC 1 TV Schedules not downloading

On 17/06/2024 21:49, Don Grunbaum wrote:
This is what I have in the file in the pvr folder:

fps25 0
modes best
output V:\BBC iPlayer Recordings\Digging for Britain subtitles 1 thumb
0 type tv versionlist default pid b014hl0d pidrecursive 1

The last two lines will pick up all available episodes. Change the
other settings to your own preferences. The filename is whatever you
want it to be.



Hi Don,
Many thanks.  Clearly I am a still a beginner.
First, where are these settings saved?  Did you enter them using a string of 
commands after --pvr-add or edit a settings file?

I do have a pvr folder but this only contains a single line for each title, no 
other details. Can I just add these options as you have shown for each title as 
appropriate?  I had been discouraged from editing by hand back in the day.

Another question.  I am just downloading using --pid --pid-recursive and the 
files I am getting are huge.  A one hour programme is using more space than a 
three hour HD download of Dune!  I have no idea why or what use this data is 
but I doubt my eyes could benefit even if I had an 8K TV, which I don't.  
Please can you advise how I should adjust my settings to save some disk space 
to something more reasonable?

Thanks again,

----- Original Message -----
From: Budge <>
To: <>
Sent: 17/06/2024 21:16:49
Subject: Re: BBC 1 TV Schedules not downloading

On 12/06/2024 23:33, MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News wrote:
As per subject, myself and at least one or two others are not able
to obtain BBC 1 TV Schedules, what we see is this ...

WARNING: Got 0 programmes for BBC One schedule page (HTML):

WARNING: Failed to parse BBC One schedule page:

Other channels seem fine.

get_iplayer mailing list
Sods law has it.  I have just this evening tried to use GiP for the
first time in a year and found nothing.  Good job I came here as now
I can see what is going on.

While waiting for BBC to sort out the problem please could I have a
refresher course on downloading the Digging for Britain series.  I
know I must use --pvr-add but can I use a recursive tool or do I have
to use the --pid-recursive option.

Forgive me but I have forgotten everything


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