Dear GetFEM++ Project

I'm sorry, code was wrong.

model.add_fixed_size_data("rho", 2);
model.set_real_variable("rho")[0] = rho_for_x;
model.set_real_variable("rho")[1] = rho_for_y;

getfem::add_linear_term(model, mim, "rho*u.Test_u", TOP);

Could you anser it? Thank you.

Best Regard Tetsuo

2019年2月11日(月) 17:03 Tetsuo Koyama <>:
> Dear GetFEM++
> What is the best way to add parameter for each space direction in term?
> I want to use fixed_size_data as a coefficient of the weak form
> language, because parameter of each direction is different.
> Is it work if the dimension of rho is equal to the dimension of mesh
> in following code?
> Code of C++:
> model.add_fixed_size_data("rho", rho);
> getfem::add_linear_term(model, mim, "rho*u.Test_u", TOP);
> Best Regard Tetsuo

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