Dear Tetsuo,

Thank you for your documentation improvement. I make some small adding too (on "mixed methods with different meshes" and "mortar methods"). If it is ok, I will merge the branch.

Best Regards,


Le 09/02/2019 à 08:03, Tetsuo Koyama a écrit :
Dear GetFEM++ project

I added model object method description ``add_filtered_fem_variable``
(THANKS for Yves Renard). I changed the plan of the description place.
I also update the information of "Interpolation of a finite element
method on non-matching meshes". (THANKS for Konstantinos Poulios).
If there is some mistake or opnion, please comment.

Best Regard Tetsuo


  Yves Renard (       tel : (33)
  20, rue Albert Einstein
  69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE


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