branch: fixmisspell
commit 18eb0d6021370652b68591bce14c8340e70ef3a9
Merge: a79e4ad 6df7941
Author: Tetsuo Koyama <>
Date:   Fri Feb 15 16:43:45 2019 +0900

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// into 

 .gitignore                                         |    4 +                                       |   14 +-
 doc/sphinx/source/                          |    3 +
 doc/sphinx/source/tutorial/thermo_coupling.rst     |   51 +-
 doc/sphinx/source/userdoc/interNMM.rst             |   31 +-
 doc/sphinx/source/userdoc/model_object.rst         |   11 +
 interface/src/getfemint.h                          |    1 +
 interface/src/                            |   70 +-
 interface/src/                       |   26 +
 interface/src/scilab/builder.sce                   |    4 +-
 .../src/scilab/macros/gf_compute_Q1grid_interp.sci |    2 +-
 interface/src/scilab/macros/gf_plot_slice.sci      |    2 +-
 interface/src/scilab/macros/init_pde.sci           |    3 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/gfm_common.c    |    6 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/gfm_common.h    |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/gfm_scilab.cpp  |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_cgne.c      |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_cgs.c       |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_gmres.c     |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_mgcr.c      |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_spchol.c    |    6 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_spcholinc.c |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_spchsolve.c |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_splu.c      |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_spluinc.c   |    4 +-
 interface/src/scilab/sci_gateway/c/sci_splusolve.c |    4 +-
 interface/tests/matlab/                |    8 +-
 src/                                    |   29 +-
 src/                                 |   13 +-
 src/                       |   15 +-
 src/                          |    7 +-
 src/                                  |   23 +-
 src/                                 |    9 +-
 src/                               |   61 +-
 src/                   |  514 +-
 src/getfem/bgeot_geometric_trans.h                 |    3 +
 src/getfem/bgeot_geotrans_inv.h                    |    3 +-
 src/getfem/bgeot_poly_composite.h                  |   15 +-
 src/getfem/bgeot_small_vector.h                    |    4 +-
 src/getfem/dal_naming_system.h                     |    9 +-
 src/getfem/dal_singleton.h                         |  169 +-
 src/getfem/dal_static_stored_objects.h             |   41 +-
 src/getfem/getfem_accumulated_distro.h             |  223 +
 src/getfem/getfem_assembling.h                     |   22 +
 src/getfem/getfem_context.h                        |    2 +-
 src/getfem/getfem_fem.h                            |   38 +-
 src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h               |   12 +-
 .../getfem_generic_assembly_compile_and_exec.h     |   16 +-
 src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h          |    4 +-
 src/getfem/getfem_im_list.h                        | 6072 ++++++++++----------
 src/getfem/getfem_interpolation.h                  |   19 +-
 .../c/gfm_common.h => src/getfem/getfem_locale.h   |   37 +-
 src/getfem/getfem_mesh_region.h                    |  128 +-
 src/getfem/getfem_models.h                         |   42 +-
 src/getfem/getfem_omp.h                            |  626 +-
 src/                   |   10 +-
 src/          |   66 +-
 src/   |    2 +-
 src/                       |    9 +-
 src/    |  199 +- |   25 +-
 src/            |   22 +-
 src/                |  741 +--
 src/           |   23 +-
 src/                               |    5 +-
 src/                               |   58 +
 src/                    |    1 +
 src/                          |  502 +-
 src/                               |  373 +-
 src/                                  |  397 +-
 src/gmm/gmm_inoutput.h                             |    1 +
 src/gmm/gmm_opt.h                                  |  101 +-
 src/gmm/gmm_real_part.h                            |    1 +
 src/gmm/gmm_std.h                                  |   75 +-
 74 files changed, 5731 insertions(+), 5322 deletions(-)

diff --cc doc/sphinx/source/tutorial/thermo_coupling.rst
index d57573c,639ef5c..72ab759
--- a/doc/sphinx/source/tutorial/thermo_coupling.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/source/tutorial/thermo_coupling.rst
@@@ -115,13 -115,14 +115,14 @@@ Let us now make a detailed presentatio
 -First, in C++, ones has to include a certain number of headers for the model 
object, the generic assembly, the linear interface (Gmm++), the experimental 
mesher and the export facilities. For Python, this is simpler, |gf| can be 
imported globally (numpy has also to be imported). For Scilab, the library has 
first to be loaded in the Scilab console (this is not described here) and for 
Matlab, nothing is necessary, except a `gf_workspace('clear all')` which allows 
to clear all |gf| variables. 
 +First, in C++, ones has to include a certain number of headers for the model 
object, the generic assembly, the linear algebra interface (Gmm++), the 
experimental mesher and the export facilities. For Python, this is simpler, 
|gf| can be imported globally (numpy has also to be imported). For Scilab, the 
library has first to be loaded in the Scilab console (this is not described 
here) and for Matlab, nothing is necessary, except a `gf_workspace('clear 
all')` which allows to clear all |gf| [...]
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
  ========== ================================================
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
 -             #include "getfem/getfem_model_solvers.h" 
 +             #include "getfem/getfem_model_solvers.h"
               #include "getfem/getfem_export.h"
               #include "gmm/gmm.h"
               #include "getfem/getfem_mesher.h"
@@@ -154,9 -155,10 +155,10 @@@ Parameters of the mode
  Let us now define the different physical and numerical parameters of the 
problem. For script languages (Python, Scilab and Matlab) there is no 
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
  =========== ================================================
 -**C++**     .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**     .. code-block:: c++
                  double epsilon = 1.; // Thickness of the plate (cm)
                  double E = 21E6;     // Young Modulus (N/cm^2)
@@@ -199,11 -201,12 +201,12 @@@ Mesh generatio
  |gf| has some limited meshing facilities which are described here. We are 
going to use them. However, there is no guaranty of the quality and conformity 
of the obtained mesh, so it is better to verify the mesh if you use |gf| 
meshing facilities. You can also use external meshers (GiD or Gmsh for 
instance) and import them (see :ref:`ud-load_save_mesh`).
 -The geometry of the domain is supposed to be a rectangle with three circular 
holes (see :ref:`tut-fig-meshthermo`). The geometry is described thanks to some 
geometrical primitives and union/setminus operations (see 
:file:`src/getfem/getfem)_mesher.h` file. In the following, `h` stands for the 
mesh size and `2` is the degree of the mesh (this means that the transformation 
is of degree two, we used curved edges).
 +The geometry of the domain is supposed to be a rectangle with three circular 
holes (see :ref:`tut-fig-meshthermo`). The geometry is described thanks to some 
geometrical primitives and union/setminus operations (see 
:file:`src/getfem/getfem_mesher.h` file). In the following, `h` stands for the 
mesh size and `2` is the degree of the mesh (this means that the transformation 
is of degree two, we used curved edges).
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  getfem::mesh mesh;
@@@ -263,9 -270,10 +270,10 @@@ Boundary selectio
  Since we have different boundary conditions on the different parts of the 
boundary, we have to number the different parts of the boundary (in the hole, 
thermal and electrical insulation together with a stress free boundary 
conditions are assumed). Thus, we have to select the element faces on the mesh 
and define mesh regions (see :ref:`ud-mesh_regions`) 1, 2, 3, 4 to be the right 
boundary, the left one, the top one and the bottom one respectively. These 
boundary numbers will be used in t [...]
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  getfem::mesh_region border_faces;
                  getfem::outer_faces_of_mesh(mesh, border_faces);
@@@ -310,8 -318,12 +318,12 @@@
                  mesh.region_subtract(  LEFT_BOUND, HOLE_BOUND)
                  mesh.region_subtract(   TOP_BOUND, HOLE_BOUND)
                  mesh.region_subtract(BOTTOM_BOUND, HOLE_BOUND)
- ---------- 
+ ========== 
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
+ ========== 
 -**Scilab** .. code-block:: matlab                             
 +**Scilab** .. code-block:: matlab
                  fb1 = gf_mesh_get(mesh, 'outer faces in box', [1 1], [99 24]);
                  fb2 = gf_mesh_get(mesh, 'outer faces with direction', [ 1 0], 
@@@ -356,8 -368,10 +368,10 @@@ Mesh dra
  In order to preview the mesh and to control its validity, the following 
instructions can be used:
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  getfem::vtk_export exp("mesh.vtk", false);
@@@ -411,9 -425,10 +425,10 @@@ The third finite element method is a di
  The last thing to define is an integration method `mim`. There is no default 
integration method in |gf| so this is mandatory to define an integration 
method. Of course, the order of the integration method have to be chosen 
sufficient to make a convenient integration of the selected finite element 
method. Here, the square of `elements_degree` is sufficient.
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  getfem::mesh_fem mfu(mesh, 2);
@@@ -470,9 -485,10 +485,10 @@@ There are two versions of the model: th
  Let us declare a real model with the three variables corresponding to the 
three fields to be computed:
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  getfem::model md;
                  md.add_fem_variable("u", mfu);
@@@ -523,9 -539,10 +539,10 @@@ there is no predefined brick and we us
  The following program allows to take into account the whole elastic 
deformation equation. Note the use of specific brick to prescribe the Dirichlet 
condition on the left boundary. There is several option to prescribe a 
Dirichlet condition (see :ref:`ud-model-Dirichlet`).
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  md.add_initialized_scalar_data("cmu", cmu);
                  md.add_initialized_scalar_data("clambdastar", clambdastar);
@@@ -588,8 -613,10 +613,10 @@@ Electric potential proble
  Similarly, the following program take into account the electric potential 
equation. Note the definition of the  electrical conductivity :math:`\sigma` 
and again the use of weak form language terms.
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  std::string sigmaeps = "(eps/(rho_0*(1+alpha*(theta-T0))))";
                  md.add_initialized_scalar_data("eps", epsilon);
@@@ -642,8 -669,10 +669,10 @@@ Thermal proble
  Now, the program to take into account the thermal problem:
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  md.add_initialized_scalar_data("kaeps", kappa*epsilon);
                  getfem::add_generic_elliptic_brick(md, mim, "theta", "kaeps");
@@@ -695,8 -724,10 +724,10 @@@ Model solv
  Once the model is correctly defined, we can simply solve it by:
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  gmm::iteration iter(1E-9, 1, 100);
                  getfem::standard_solve(md, iter);
@@@ -722,8 -753,10 +753,10 @@@ Model solve with two step
  Another option to solve the problem is to solve first the thermal and 
electric potential problems. Indeed, in our model, the thermal and  electric 
potential do not depend on the deformation. Once the  thermal and electric 
potential problem, we then solve the deformation problem. This can be done as 
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  gmm::iteration iter(1E-9, 1, 100);
@@@ -767,10 -800,12 +800,12 @@@
  Export/visualization of the solution
 -The finite element problem is now solved. We can plot the solution as 
follows. Note that for the C++ and Python programs, it is necessary to use an 
external external graphical post-processor. Note also that arbitrary quantities 
can be post-processed using the generic interpolation (see 
`ga_interpolation_Lagrange_fem` below). It is also possible to make complex 
exports and slices (see :ref:`ud-export`).
 +The finite element problem is now solved. We can plot the solution as 
follows. Note that for the C++ and Python programs, it is necessary to use an 
external graphical post-processor. Note also that arbitrary quantities can be 
post-processed using the generic interpolation (see 
`ga_interpolation_Lagrange_fem` below). It is also possible to make complex 
exports and slices (see :ref:`ud-export`).
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
 -**C++**    .. code-block:: c++                             
 +**C++**    .. code-block:: c++
                  plain_vector U(mfu.nb_dof()); 
gmm::copy(md.real_variable("u"), U);
                  plain_vector V(mft.nb_dof()); 
gmm::copy(md.real_variable("V"), V);
@@@ -815,8 -850,12 +850,12 @@@
                  mft.export_to_vtk('temperature.vtk', mft, THETA, 
                  print ('mayavi2 -d temperature.vtk -f WarpScalar -m Surface')
                  mft.export_to_vtk('electric_potential.vtk', mft, V, 'Electric 
 -                print ('mayavi2 -d electric_potential.vtk -f WarpScalar -m 
 +                print ('mayavi2 -d electric_potential.vtk -f WarpScalar -m 
- ---------- 
+ ========== 
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.080\linewidth}|p{0.900\linewidth}|
+ ========== 
  **Scilab** .. code-block:: matlab
                  U = gf_model_get(md, 'variable', 'u');

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