branch: master
commit a35141ec7accac3481b881e9a25d5da098976c11
Author: Yves Renard <>
AuthorDate: Wed Apr 22 08:26:46 2020 +0200

    cleaning som obsolete files
 ChangeLog | 695 --------------------------------------------------------------
 NEWS      | 107 +---------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 800 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index fd8936d..fd2073e 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -18,698 +18,3 @@
 For the recent Change log, please see use git log
-2009-04-15 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem/getfem_mesh_fem.h
-       * src/
-       and many other files concerned by the modification. Adding an
-       additional optional linear transformation to the dof of a mesh_fem.
-       A mesh fem now contain a reduction matrix and an extension matrix.
-       This allow for instance to reduce the mesh_fem on a certain region
-       or to gives some constraints on the dofs.
-2009-03-29 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem/getfem_mesh.h
-       * src/getfem/getfem_mesh_fem.h
-       * src/getfem/getfem_mesh_im.h
-       and some other related files. Changing the events management by giving
-       up getfem_linkmsg.h for something more simple.
-2009-02-20 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm/gmm_std.h
-       Adding standard_locale and stream_standard_locale allowing to change
-       the locale temporarily to the standard one in order to make in-output
-       function locale independent (fix bug bug #13014).
-2009-01-30 Luis Saavedra  <>
-       *
-       * src/gmm/gmm_superlu_interface.h
-       * src/
-       * src/
-       * interface/
-       *
-       Allowing disable superlu support (enable by default).
-       With this you can use your own superlu (superlu v3.1 for example),
-       and the maintenance of superlu in the svn is liberated.
-2008-09-26 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/
-        Allowing vectorial fems
-2008-09-26 Artem Napov <>
-       * interface/src/matlab/gfm_common.c
-       Correction for the compilation of the Matlab toolbox on a 64 bit
-       computer and Matlab version >= 2006b.
-2008-09-26 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem/getfem_nonlinear_elasticity.h
-       Adding the contribution of Jean-Yves Heddebaut <>
-       concerning the deformation of a nonlinear membrane.
-2008-08-11 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm/gmm_lapack_interface.h 
-       Adding the interface to degsvd given by
-       Sebastian Nowozin <>
-2008-05-22 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm/gmm_precond_ilut.h
-       * src/gmm/gmm_precond_ilutp.h
-       Fixed a bug in the iteration on the current line.
-2008-02-12 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/ Fixed a bug for the inversion of 
-       geometric transformations in mixed dimensions.
-2007-11-20 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem/getfem_modeling.h Fixed a bug in source term brick.
-2007-11-03 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem/getfem_fem.h Corrected the definition of Nedelec elements.
-2007-08-20 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem/bgeot_node_tab.h: fixed a minor bug due to the fact
-       that the method swap was not overloaded in bgeot::node_tab.
-2007-07-10  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem/bgeot_node_tab.h: the structure bgeot::node_tab is
-       created to store the nodes of a mesh and identify the too close nodes.
-       This replace the dal::dynamic_tree_sorted with the special
-       comparison which was not completely robust.
-2007-07-06  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/
-       * src/
-       adding the dependence beetween geotrans_precomp and fem_precomp
-       structures to fix an important  memory leakage problem.
-2007-02-09 Julien Pommier  <>
-       * interface/*: integrating Matlab and Python interfaces into Getfem
-         tree.
-2007-01-30  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm/gmm_except.h
-       changing error managing. Errors are now handle
-       thanks to three macros: GMM_ASSERT1(test, msg), GMM_ASSERT2(test, msg),
-       and GMM_ASSERT3(test, msg). GMM_ASSERT1 for non-maskable tests and
-       errors. GMM_ASSERT2 for maskable tests (especially for
-       performance consuming tests, maskable with NDEBUG). GMM_ASSERT3 for
-       maskable by default internal tests (activated by DEBUG_MODE). Be aware
-       that the test could not be executed. For instance
-       GMM_ASSERT2(++iteration < 1000, "not converged") is not safe.
-2007-01-30  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/*.h
-       moving header files of Gmm and Getfem into sub-directories
-       src/gmm and src/getfem respectively. dal_std.h, dal_ref.h,
-       dal_algobase.h and dal_except.h are integrated to gmm and renamed
-       gmm_std.h, gmm_ref.h, gmm_algobase.h and gmm_except.h. This means
-       in particular that errors, warning and traces are now defined into
-       the namespace gmm.
-2007-01-30  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/linkmsg.h
-       moved to src/getfem_linkmsg.h. Integrated to namespace getfem.
-2007-01-30  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/ftool.h
-       * src/
-       moved to src/bgeot_ftool.h and src/
-       Integrated to namespace bgeot.
-2007-01-04  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/
-       making tests depending on the convex radius for fine refinements. 
-2007-01-03  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/bgeot_mesh.h
-       modification of the test which decides when
-       two points are coinciding. Making it more context dependent.
-2006-11-10  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/dal_ref.h
-       modification of tab_ref_reg_spaced iterators to fix
-       a bug with VC++ on Gmm++.
-2006-11-06  Julien Pommier  <>
-           Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/
-       fixed a bug in reduced HCT and for
-       finite element having nonsquared M matrix (see kernel documentation).
-2006-10-05  Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_assembling.h
-       added asm_H2_dist
-2006-09-28  Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_mesh_fem.h
-       added an optional partition of convexes in the mesh_fem which allows
-       to partition the dof in disconnected area (used for the mortar joint
-       in the tests/ program)
-       * src/
-       modified outer_faces_of_mesh when a list of convex is supplied to it:
-       now it returns the border of this set of convexes, not the
-       intersection of the mesh border with this set of convexes.
-2006-07-28  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem_composite.h
-       adding P1 fem on triangle with an additional piecewise linear
-       bubble function.
-2006-06-08  julien pommier  <>
-           Yves Renard,  <>
-       * src/getfem_partial_mesh_fem.h
-       a new mesh fem allowing to select dofs.
-2006-06-08  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/ (include)
-       initial support for levelset in slices.
-       added write_to_file and read_from_file.
-2006-06-07  julien pommier  <>
-           Yves Renard,  <>
-       * src/
-       added getfem::mesh::convex_area_estimate()
-2006-06-05  julien pommier  <>,
-           Yves Renard,  <>
-       * src/
-       fixed a bug for integration method inside or outside a level-set.
-       Fixed a bug for 1D and 3D domains also. Fixed a bug for the
-       integration on the boundary of the level-set.
-       * src/
-       fixed a minor bug in function classical_approx_im.
-2006-06-01  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_linearized_plates.h
-       fixed a minor bug in mdbrick_plate_source_term for non-homogeneous rhs.
-       * src/
-       fixed a bug which broke levelsets without 'secondary' part
-       (i.e. non-crack levelsets).
-2006-04-21 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/
-       Adding a C1 composite finite element on quadrilaterals.
-2006-04-04 Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/
-       bug fixed for nonlinear terms.
-2006-04-04  Yves Renard  <>,
-          Julien Pommier  <>
-       * tests-2.0/
-       A copy of test programs corresponding to version 2.0 is made in
-       this directory in order to test the compatibility of future
-       changes with 2.0 version of Getfem.
-2006-02-20  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_blas_interface.h
-       bug fixed for the interface of matrix-matrix multiplications
-       with blas. Bug reported by on version 1.7.
-2006-02-01  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_mesh.h
-       adding Bank refinement procedures for simplex meshes.
-       The mesh_fem, mesh_im and mesh_region objects are updated.
-2006-01-26  Yves Renard  <>,
-          Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/
-       adding HCT triangle and Raviart-Thomas RT0 elements and Nedelec
-       elements in dimension >=2. To build ths HCT triangle a new version
-       of composite polynomial has been added in the new file
-       * src/bgeot_vector.h
-       suppression of class vsvector.
-2006-01-21 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/bgeot_convex_hull.h
-       * src/bgeot_simplexify.h
-       suppression of this files (not well written) only used to
-       simplexify reference elements. Replaced by
-       src/ which store the
-       simplexifcation of standard reference elements.
-2006-01-07 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/bgeot_poly.h
-       Adding a method to read a polynomial on a stream or a character string.
-2006-01-06 Yves Renard  <>,
-          Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/
-       Some bug fixed for non tau-equivalent elements. Hermite elements on
-       triangle and tetrahedron and Argyris element are working.
-       * src/getfem_fourth_order.h
-       Adding tools to deal with fourth order pdes like bilaplacian problem.
-       Adding bilaplacian test program.
-2005-12-30 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/
-       Hermite segment is fixed !
-2005-12-29 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/ftool.h, src/
-       modification of get_token which is now more elaborated and
-       allows to analyze a "Matlab like" langages.
-       The class md_param which reads the parameter files allows now
-       basic computations (+, -, *, /, <, >, <=, >=, &&, ||, ~, ~=) and
-       an "if else" instruction. A consequence is a slight modification
-       of the format of mesh files (the compatibility with the old version
-       is maintened).
-2005-12-27 Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_modeling.h
-       * src/getfem_assembling.h
-       important modification in the treatment of the Dirichlet condition.
-       The penalization is available as a new option in the Dirichleet
-       condition brick. The treatment of the generalized Dirichlet
-       condition (hu = r) is separated from the classical one (u=r).
-2005-12-20 Yves Renard  <> 
-       * src/bgeot_mesh_structure.h
-       simplification of the structure bgeot::mesh_structure.
-       Important modification of the interface of this class.
-       * src/bgeot_mesh.h suppression of this file and the corresponding
-       class bgeot::mesh.
-       * src/getfem_mesh.h
-       the new structure getfem::mesh replace the old
-       one getfem::getfem_mesh merging bgeot::mesh and getfem::getfem_mesh.
-       * src/dal_alloc.h
-       suppression of this file.
-2005-12-10 Yves Renard  <> 
-       * src/getfem_config.h
-       deals now with the level of parallelization of Getfem.
-       GETFEM_PARA_LEVEL = 0 : sequential version.
-       GETFEM_PARA_LEVEL = 1 parallelization of the linear solver,
-       GETFEM_PARA_LEVEL = 2 parallelization of the assembly procedures also.
-       GETFEM_PARA_SOLVER should describe the parallel solver used.
-       A set of macro are defined to deal with mpi and metis.
-       * src/dal_except.h
-       changing Warning syntax DAL_WARNING2("msg")
-       instead of DAL_WARNING(2, "msg"). In order to be able to hide
-       some warning level at the compile time. Adding also DAL_TRACE0("msg")
-       to DAL_TRACE4("msg") on the same format.
-2005-12-09  Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/gmm_MUMPS_interface.h
-       added sequential mumps interface (direct solver for sparse matrices).
-       * src/getfem_modeling.h
-       large modification of the mdbricks
-2005-12-08 Julien pommier, Yves Renard <>
-       * src/getfem_modeling.h
-       important simplifications in the brick system. creation of brick
-       parameter, simplification of the constructors. A default mf_data
-       is assumed for constant parameters. A generic linear pde brick
-       is built to make the construction of new brick for linear pdes easy.
-2005-11-22  Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_mesh_fem.h
-       mesh_fem::linked_mesh() is now const.
-2005-11-04  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/bgeot_poly.h
-       optimized common polynomial evaluation (dim <= 3, degree <= 6).
-2005-10-24  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/
-       optimization of the assembly for xfem-type problems
-       (i.e. when the FEM changes often on the elements).
-2005-06-30  Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/
-       updated the gmsh import such that it uses
-       the 'gmsh physical regions' as getfem mesh regions.
-       * src/getfem_mesh.h
-       added 'bounding_box' method
-2005-05-30  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_mesh_region.h
-       replaced mesh_cvf_set with the getfem::mesh_region structure,
-       which can hold sets of convexes/faces of convexes, and is now used
-       as an argument to the assembly functions.
-       The generic_assembly::volumic_assembly() and
-       boundary_assembly() methods were merged into
-       generic_assembly::assembly(const mesh_region&).
-2005-05-19 Julien pommier, Yves Renard
-       * src/getfem_modeling.h
-       Simplification of the model bricks system.
-2005-05-13  Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/ (getfem)
-       Added 'alpha' param. for FEM_QK_DISCONTINUOUS.
-2005-03-11 Julien pommier, Yves Renard
-       * src/getfem_fem_level_set.h
-       * src/
-       getfem_mesh_fem_level_set.h,
-       deals with the fem representation of discontinuities across some
-       level sets.
-2005-02-25 Yves Renard  <> 
-       * src/dal_static_stored_object.h
-       * src/
-       Centralize the management of the static objects (convex structures,
-       geometric transformations, fems, precomps, mat elems ...), and store
-       the dependencies between them to be able to delete consistently a
-       part of them. Many changements in the rest of Getfem : ftool_naming
-       becomes dal_naming_system, dal_fonc_table disappears, intrusive_ptr<T>
-       from boost is introduced and replace the simple pointers on the static
-       stored objects.
-2005-02-04 Yves Renard  <> 
-       * contrib/icare/
-       A Navier-Stokes solver in Getfem.
-2005-02-01 Yves Renard  <> 
-       * src/dal_std.h
-       * src/gmm_def.h
-       mathematical definitions are moved from dal_std.h to gmm_def.h
-2005-01-31 Yves Renard  <> 
-       * src/getfem_level_set.h
-       addition of a representation of level sets
-2005-01-24 Yves Renard, Julien Pommier <>
-       * src/getfem_mesh_im
-       the description of integration methods on a mesh has moved from
-       the object mesh_fem to a new separated object mesh_im.
-       A consequence is that this new object is a parameter of all assembly
-       procedure.
-2005-01-24 Yves Renard  <> 
-       * src/getfem_mesh
-       the description of the boundaries is moved
-       from the structure mesh_fem to getfem_mesh. The methods in
-       mesh_fem are declared deprecated. Consequences : incompatibility
-       of the description of the set of faces : bitset in place of a 
-       dal::bit_vector, incompatibility of the mesh and mesh_fem files.
-2005-01-24 Yves Renard  <> 
-       *.C
-       Changing the extension from .C to .cc for compatibility with Windows.
-2005-01-06  julien pommier  <>
-       * minor changes for MinGW (getfem-1.7.1)
-2004-12-10  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_mat_elem_type.h
-       adding the unit normal to a boundary available for elementary
-       computations.
-2004-12-08  julien pommier  <>
-       * superlu/BLAS.c
- added a f2c-ed BLAS, used when no other suitable blas
-       is found.
-2004-12-02  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/bgeot_geotrans_inv.C
-       Made inversion geometric transformations more robust
-       (linear search in the Newton algorithm).
-2004-11-25  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_linearized_plate.h
-       linearized plate brick
-2004-11-03  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem_sum.h
-       introduction of a fem which is the direct sum of two fems..
-2004-11-03  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem_virtual_link.h
-       replaced by getfem_interpolated_fem.h redefinition of the
-       interpolation of a fem with real element fems.
-2004-10-19  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_precond_ilutp.h
-       New preconditionner, incomplete LU with fill-in, threshold and
-       column pivoting.
-2004-10-15  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_vector.h
-       bug fixed and optimization of the copy toward a rsvector<T> :
-       the unsorted indices were not taken into account.
-2004-09-15  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_solver_bfgs.h
-       A BFGS and a DFP algorithm for unconstrained optimization.
-2004-09-15  Julien Pommier  <>
-       * src/gmm_blas.h
-       gmm now handles (valid) operations mixing complex and scalars
-       (e.g. multiplication of a complex vector with a real matrix)
-2004-08-27  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem.h
-       * src/getfem_interpolation.h
-       added hability to interpolate complex-valued fields.
-2004-08-09  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_assembling_tensors.C
-       * src/bgeot_sparse_tensors.C
-       * src/getfem_mat_elem.C
-       Added the ability to perform reductions during the integration of
-       elementary tensors, and daxpy is used when possible:
-       huge speedup for the assembly of nonlinear tangent matrices.
-2004-08-03  julien pommier  <>
-       * superlu
-       SuperLU is included into getfem, which does now depend on BLAS.
-2004-08-02  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_dense_qr.h
-       Bug fixed on the computation of Schur vectors.
-       the reductible 2x2 blocks has to be reduced to obtain the Schur
-       vectors (this is not necessary just to obtain eigenvalues).
-       (Bug report from Kasper Peeters <>).
-2004-07-20  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem.h
-       interpolation_grad now stores the gradients in the rows of the
-       matrix, no more in the columns.
-2004-07-05  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_export.C
-       added VTK and OpenDX export of slices, getfem_mesh and mesh_fem
-       objects.
-2004-06-25  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_real_part.h
-       added the functions gmm::real_part and gmm::imag_part.
-2004-06-18  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem.h
-       Now a dof has to be on the boundary if his corresponding shape
-       function is non-zero on that boundary (a P0 node is on each boundary).
-2004-06-18  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_context.h
-       New structure to deal with interdependency of objects.
-2004-06-18  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_modeling.h
-       New structures defining elementary bricks to build complete models:
-       linearized elasticity, boundary conditions ...
-2004-06-17  julien pommier  <> 
-       * src/gmm_matrix.h
-       fixed the swap() method for csc_matrix and csr_matrix. 
-2004-06-04  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_sub_index.h
-       the sturcture unsorted_sub_index is defined to represent a
-       non-sorted sub-vector or sub-matrix, for instance a permutation
-       of a vector. All linalg_traits have been modified, a new
-       component called index_sorted has been added. The algorithms in
-       gmm_blas.h have been modified to take into account the fact that
-       a sparse index can be unsorted.
-2004-06-01  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_export.h
-       the interpolation function has been moved in the new file
-       src/getfem_interpolation.h. An option for the
-       extrapolation of points just outside the boundary has bee added.
-       the function interpolation_solution is now just called interpolation.
-2004-05-28  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_assembling.h
-       minor speedup for the assembly of linear elasticity.
-       * src/bgeot_small_vector.h
-       small_vectors are now initialized with zeros.
-       * src/dal_singleton.h, *.C
-       added ability to cleanup allocated
-       static data on exit -- mostly for valgrind --leak-check=yes.
-2004-05-14  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_solvers_Schwarz_additive.h
-       A sequential version of the domain decomposition / precnditionner
-       is finalized. Gmres, Bicgstag or CG can be used as local or global
-       solvers. Superlu can be used as local solver.
-2004-05-14  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/gmm_solver_gmres.h
-       fixed an incorrect computation of the residu in gmres in cases where
-       a preconditioner was used.
-       * src/gmm_vector.h
-       fixed a bug in the constructor of slvector (thanks to li zhipeng).
-2004-04-02  julien pommier  <>
-       * tests/elastostatic.C
-       * tests/laplacian.C
-       now take into account the GENERIC_DIRICHLET parameter
-2004-03-31  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem.h
-       * src/getfem_import.h
-       added a method giving an interpolation matrix, useful for repeated
-       interpolations of one field onto another.
-2004-03-31  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_superlu_interface.h
-       The superlu interface is now uptodate with the lastest release of
-       superlu (v.3.0).  A new structure was introduced for storing an
-       LU decomposition and doing tri_solves later.
-2004-03-26  Yves Renard  <>
-       * src/gmm_precond_ildltt.h
-       fix bug which slowed the ildltt from a factor of about 50.
-2004-03-11  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem.C
-       added a classical_discontinuous_fem similar to the classical_fem
-       already available.
-       * src/getfem_integration.C
-       added the classical_approx_im function, which returns an approx.
-       integration method for a given {geometric_trans,degree}.
-       Renamed exact_classical_im to classical_exact_im.
-2004-03-09  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/bgeot_geometric_trans.C
-       added compute_local_basis which returns the normal of a face + tangents
-2004-02-26  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem.C
-       correction the wrong quadrature rules
-       for IM_GAUSSLOBATTO1D. Addition of a new fem:
-       FEM_PK_GAUSSLOBATTO1D. Integration points are now sorted.
-2004-02-09  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_fem.[Ch]
-       * src/getfem_precomp.[Ch]
-       * src/bgeot_precomp.[Ch]
-       large modifications of the fem interpolation interface.
-       Now uses fem_interpolation_context
-       (and geotrans_interpolation_context). geotrans_precomp is now part of
-       namespace bgeot.
-2004-02-04  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_precomp.[Ch]
-       cleaned up getfem_precomp, replaced the ugly fem_precomp_not_stored
-       and geotrans_precomp_not_stored with the much better fem_precomp_pool
-       and geotrans_precomp_pool.
-       * src/getfem_Xfem.C
-       small perf improvement (better use of pgeotrans_precomp).
-2004-02-02  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_mesh_slice.[Ch]
-       * src/getfem_mesh_slicers.[Ch]
-       the mesh_slices have been splitted in two parts: 
-       - the mesh_slicer object, which takes a mesh, simplexifies it and
-       sends thes simplexes to a list of "slicer_action" objects
-       - the stored_mesh_slice object, which contains all simplexes that
-       have been constructed by the mesh_slicer. This recording of
-       simplexes is done via the slicer_build_stored_mesh_slice (derived
-       from slicer_action) class.
-       * src/getfem_export.h
-       interpolation to a set of sparse points can now interpolate the
-       gradient of a field.
-2004-01-29  julien pommier  <>
-       * src/getfem_export.h
-       removed some obsolete interpolation functions. 
-2004-01-27  Yves Renard <>
-       * tests/elastostatic.C
-       simplification, copied from laplacian.C 
-2004-01-27  julien pommier  <>
-       * tests/laplacian.C
-       huge simplification of the sources..
-       * src/getfem_mesh_slice.C
-       fixed the problem (missing simplexes)
-       with 'union' operation on slice. Moreover, the slice boundary
-       flagging is now better than ever. Added a bounding_box member
-       function in geometric_trans.
-       * Getfem-1.6 released. The ChangeLog is started!
-         - Some new integration methods
-         - Performance of interpolation and geometric transformation inversion
-           was much improved.
-         - Support for emc2 meshes.
-2003-09-03 (from old HISTORY file)
-       * Getfem-1.5 released. News:
-         - Possibility to use quadruple or octuple double precision for
-           certain elementary computations.
-         - Cubature formulas are in separated files, included with a perl
-           script.
-         - Hierarchical and composte methods in 3D.
-         - First support for Xfem methods
-         - Preconditioner in Gmm++ and separated version of Gmm++.
-         - Support for Harwell-Boeing and Matrix-Market format in Gmm++.
-         - New version of the Matlab interface : only one mex file.
-         - Huge improvement of graphical possibilities with the Matlab 
-           interface (slices, isosurfaces ... see  the  Screenshots  page
-           of the site) and new examples.
-       * Getfem-1.4 released. News:
-         - Compatibility with different C++ compilers is improved.
-         - Improvement of elementary computations : gain in efficiency and in
-           memory. 
-         - Matlab interface is fully working.
-         - A new linear algebra library is created : Gmm++.
-       * Getfem-1.3 released. News:
-         - Composite and hierarchical elements and integration methods.
-       * Getfem-1.2 released. News:
-         - Hermite element on the segment (not fully working)
-         - Support for non tau-equivalent elements.
-         - Interpolation of finite element methods (for mortar methods for
-           instance).
-         - Names associated with finite element methods, integration methods
-           and geometrical transformations.
-       * Getfem-1.1 released. News:
-       - Many bugs fixed. Test programs added. extension of the interpolation
-         program.
-       * Getfem-1.0 released. First public release. Web site is created.
-         The documentations are not finalized.
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 6a543d1..86a9e2c 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -17,109 +17,6 @@
 What's new ?
-2006/03/20 GetFEM-2.0, Gmm++-2.0 and Getfem-Interface 2.0 released
-This is a major update to GetFEM, which make some backward-incompatible
-        changes:
-  - the old mesh_fem has been split into two disjoint
-    classes: mesh_fem which handles all that is related
-    to FEM, and mesh_im which handles the integration methods on a mesh.
-  - the old getfem::getfem_mesh class has been renamed to getfem::mesh
-  - the "boundaries" which were attached to a mesh_fem in
-    previous versions, are now attached to a mesh, and
-    they are now called "regions" (because they can stored
-    boundaries, and also sets of convexes).
-  - the model bricks have been reworked -- especially the Dirichlet conditions.
-Some news features have been introduced in this release:
-  - introduction of level-set objects. Integration methods can be cut
-     with respect to these level-set and discontinuous elements
-     across the level-set are provided.
-  - parallelization of the assembly.
-  - interface to MUMPS.
-  - many news elements, Hermite and vectorial elements are now fully
-    supported: 1D, 2D and 3D hermite, Argyris triangle, HCT triangle,
-    RT0 and Nedelec elements are now available.
-  - automatic mesh refinement.
-Major changes for the matlab and python interface: they follow the changes
-that occured in getfem. An interface to the GetFEM.
-model bricks has been added.
-Next releases of GetFEM will try to maintain backward compatability with
-this release.
-2005/01/05 GetFEM 1.7, Gmm++ 1.7 and Getfem-Interface 1.7 released  
-An important number of improvements have been done on GetFEM 1.7. Note that 
the next release will be getfem 2.0, some of its changes won't maintain 
backward compatibility with GetFEM-1.7. 
-  - Introduction of the "model brick" system, which provides a general 
framework for the solution of common PDEs. Each brick is dedicated to a 
specific task (i.e. "handle Dirichlet conditions", "assembly of the Stokes 
Problem", "solve a linear system", etc.). These bricks are then connected to 
each other. Examples of use can be found in the "tests/" directory of GetFEM.
-  - New models : Small strain plasticity, large strain elasticity,
-       contact and friction conditions, linearized plates,
-       incompressibility in small and large strain elasticity.
-  - Simplifications and optimizations in elementary computations.
-  - A direct sparse solver (SuperLU 3.0) is available "out of the box"
-  - Ability to export results to VTK and OpenDX.
-Major changes in Gmm++ 1.7:
-  - New preconditionner ILUTP.
-  - A BFGS algorithm has been developped.
-  - gmm++ now handles (valid) operations mixing complex and scalars.
-  - gmm::real_part(V) and gmm::imag_part(V) gives a possibly writable
-    reference on the real and imaginary part of a complex vector or matrix.
-  - the SuperLU interface has been updated for SuperLU 3.0.
-getfem-matlab has been renamed "getfem-interface" since it now provides an 
interface for Matlab and Python (with the Numarray package). Note that, while 
it is documented and working, the python interface is still considered a "work 
in progress". You have to enable it explicitly with "./configure 
--enable-python". An interface to the gmm++ sparse matrices and solvers is also 
-2004/01/23 GetFEM 1.6 and Gmm++ 1.6 released
-GetFEM 1.6 is mostly a bugfix and performance improvements release.
-    * Some new integration methods were added (high order methods for 
triangles such as "IM_TRIANGLE(19)" from P. Solin, K. Segeth and I. Dolezel: 
"Higher-Order & Finite Element Methods", Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2003).
-    * Performance of interpolation and geometric transformation inversion was 
much improved.
-    * Support for emc2 meshes
-The Gmm++ library has been much improved version 1.6 and version 1.5. We have 
especially focused on its robustness.
-    * Many bugs were fixed, especially for complex matrices.
-    * QR algorithms were introduced for dense matrices.
-    * A LAPACK/ATLAS interface is available.
-    * SuperLU 2.0 interface.
-    * Small simplification in linalg_traits structure.
-    * Generic resize procedures for vector and matrices were introduced.
-    * It is possible to use a column or row matrix view of a vector with 
gmm::row_vector and gmm::col_vector.
-    * Generic gmm::reshape and gmm::conjugated functions.
-    * Intensive tests with random type of matrices and vectors.
-2003/07/25 GetFEM 1.5 and Gmm++ 1.5 released
-First standalone release of Gmm++, which now includes some preconditioners and 
harwell-boeing/matrix-market data file support. It is now possible to use high 
precision computations of elementary integrals with the (optional) QD library. 
Quadrature data has been moved into data files in the cubature/ directory. 
Initial support for XFem. Mesh slices in GetFEM and getfem-matlab. The Matlab 
interface was merged into a single giant mex-file.
-2003/03/03 GetFEM 1.4 released
-The Matlab interface is now fully working and documented. Huge speed 
improvement on elementary computations. New generic assembly procedures. 
Introduction of Gmm++.
-2002/09/24 GetFEM 1.3 released
-Introduction of hierarchical and composite FEMs and integration methods.
-2002/08/21 GetFEM 1.2 released
-Introduction of the Hermite element (not fully working). Support for 
non-tau-equivalent elements. Introduction of a consistent naming system for 
FEMs, geometric transformations and integration methods.
-2002/07/18 GetFEM 1.1 released
-Many improvements.
-2002/06/28 GetFEM 1.0 released
-First public release. 

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