Dear Tetsuo Koyama,
I have no experience with localization of sphinx document. For the
moment there is no other version of the documentation than the english
one (even a french one). I do not realize how much this can be
automated. If it's possible to automate it in part, no problem about
including things in the repository of GetFEM if it is necessary. We can
of course also put a link on the documentation in Japanese.
Best Regards,
Le 28/09/2018 à 12:44, Tetsuo Koyama a écrit :
Hello, I translated Getfem++ User Document to my language by using
this page, to give out engineer's in my country.
I know that License of Getfem++'s page is GNU FDL and no need to
contact to project. But, I want to express gratitude.
By the way, I made Transifex page of getfem which is need to L10N of
sphinx document, and make patch to use tx client in getfem repository.
How do you think about L10N of getfem document ? Do you have interest
in using Transifex ?
Best Regard Tetsuo Koyama
Yves Renard ( tel : (33)
20, rue Albert Einstein
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE