Dear Nicolò,

If you already compiled GetFEM with its matlab interface and Mumps this a priori means that mumps is installed on your system (on MinGW64 is I understand well). May be Devc++ just needs the path for the mumps includes ?

Best regards,

Le 20/11/2019 à 10:27, Nicolò Cambiaso a écrit :
Dear GetFem++ Users,

Until now I've always used GetFemm++ with MatLab interface, and everything worked. Now I'm trying to use the C++ (Devc++ in particular) interface, but I get error message about MUMPs package like " C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\include\gmm\gmm_MUMPS_interface.h [Error] smumps_c.h: No such file or directory"
after trying to compile this code:

"#include "getfem_model_solvers.h"
#include "getfem_export.h"
#include "gmm.h"
#include "getfem_mesher.h"
#include "getfem_generic_assembly.h"

using bgeot::size_type;
using bgeot::base_node;
using bgeot::base_small_vector;
typedef getfem::model_real_plain_vector plain_vector;

int main(void) {

bgeot::dim_type elements_degree = 2; // Degree of the finite element methods

I don't understand what's happening, because I've tried command like "gf_linsolve('mumps', spmat M, vec b)"  in the MatLab interface and it worked.
Thank you for your time and help

Best Regards,

Nicolò Cambiaso


  Yves Renard (       tel : (33)
  20, rue Albert Einstein
  69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE


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