Dear All,

I've installed GetFEM (getfem5.3win-amd64-py3.7.exe
on Windows 10 with Anaconda 3 (mandatory generating a Python <= 3.7
environment) and Mayavi 4.7.1 via Conda repository.

When I run the the simulation runs correctly and I can see
the results via Mayavi or GMSH but unfortunately I cannot see the
getfem_tvtk output since I get the following messages:

*You can view the tripod with (for example) mayavi:*
*mayavi2 -d tripod.vtk -f WarpVector -m Surface*
*gmsh tripod.pos*
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File ".\", line 146, in <module>*
*, deformation=U, data=(mfdu,VM), deformation_scale='20%')*
*  File
line 452, in show*
*    self.show_mesh_fem(mf, **args)*
*  File
line 410, in show_mesh_fem*
*    self.actors += it.vtk_actors()*
*  File
line 299, in vtk_actors*
*    self.mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=data);*
*  File
line 45, in __init__*
*  File
line 362, in __init__*
*    super(TVTKBase, self).__init__(**traits)*
*  File
line 67, in _read_only*
*    % (name, class_of(object))*
*traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'input' trait of a PolyDataMapper
instance is 'read only'.*

I'd like very much to use the internal visualizer and to produce direct
outputs after the simulations.
Can anyone tell me what's going wrong?
Thank you in advance.

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