oups, sorry



On 5/11/21 5:46 PM, Yves Renard wrote:

Dear Edouard,

Your second picture is missing. Can you send the link again ?

Best regards,


Le 11/05/2021 à 16:11, Edouard Oudet a écrit :
Dear getfem users,

Using the python interface of Getfem++, I obtained surprising results related to the representation of degrees of freedom for a singular mesh associated to a square with two circular holes. One of the hole has a very small radius see picture


This mesh can be downloaded at


Using the following instructions

filemesh = '/tmp/savemesh.mesh'
tmesh = getfem.Mesh("load", filemesh)
tmeshfem = getfem.MeshFem(tmesh, 1)
tmeshfem.set_fem(getfem.Fem('FEM_PK(2, 4)'))
pdof = getfem.MeshFem.get(tmeshfem, 'basic dof nodes')

and plotting these pdof points I obtained the following picture around the small circle


As it can be observed some dof are missing.. I do not get this problem for a degree smaller than 4.
Any suggestions are welcome,



Edouard Oudet : http://www-ljk.imag.fr/membres/Edouard.Oudet/
IMAG - Bureau 164
700 avenue Centrale
38400 Saint Martin d'Hères
+33 (0)4 57 42 17 71  (office LJK)

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