Dear Edouard,

In your example, 'a' seems to be a data, so that it has to be declared
md.add_fem_data('a', fem)

If you declare it as a variable, the matrix given by gf.asm will have some entries for the variable 'a'.

And concerning your second example, you can of course reference a matrix data. For instance for a 3x3 matrix field with

md.add_initialized_fem_data('M', fem, VM, [3,3])

where VM is the vector of the values of the matrix field in each dof (and in the fortran order for the components of the matrices).

Best regards,


Le 18/06/2021 à 19:36, Edouard Oudet a écrit :
Dear getfem users,

I am interested in computing the following fem matrices on a domain Omega for Lagrange elements of order k

1) ∫∂Ω (∇u.n) v  a dσ

where a is a vector of length the number of dof, u and v are test functions and n the normal. I tried the following steps

md = gf.Model("real")
md.add_fem_variable('u', fem)
md.add_fem_variable('a', fem)
md.set_variable('a', ones(nbdof))

faces = gf.Mesh.get(tmesh, 'outer_faces')
bregion_id = 1
tmesh.set_region(bregion_id, faces)

 B = gf.asm('generic', mim, 2, 'Normal.Grad_Test_u * Test2_u. a', bregion_id, md)

Does it look correct?

2) ∫Ω (M ∇u) . ∇v dx

where again u and v are scalar functions and M a matrix field (defined for every dof). I had in mind to do something like

A = gf.asm("generic", mim, 2, "(M * Grad_Test2_u).Grad_Test_u", -1, md)

but I do not know how how to define the matrix field and how to manage its product with my gradients.

Any comments are welcome..

I apologize one again for these naive questions,




  Yves Renard (       tel : (33)
  20, rue Albert Einstein
  69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE


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