Dear Yves,
thank you for your fast and clear reply.

I gave it a try to check whether i could first retrieve the nodal forces
from the force density (i did exactly as you suggested, except i multiplied
the mass matrix by the value given by the multipliers) and i got exactly
the same nodal forces as i had with the residual method. Therefore, if i
want to improve my result i guess i should avoid using the nodal forces as
an input for the model.

Instead of using an add explicit rhs, is there a way to enforce the force
density directly? In other words, is it possible to initialize the
multiplier for the dirichlet condition with a given value (the one found in
the first computation for instance) and make it a data instead of a
variable of the problem?
I had tried a disable_variable on mult_on_u followed by a set_variable but
i am not sure this is the proper way to do that, what do you think?

Thanks in advance, once again,

Le ven. 30 juil. 2021 à 13:08, Yves Renard <> a
écrit :

> Dear David,
> I don't know if this explains the difference obtained because it is
> really important, but the residual of the linear system and the
> multiplier are not  really comparable. The residual is not a force
> density, its components represent some equivalent nodal forces whose
> intensity depends on the mesh size, whereas the multiplier is taken from
> a finite element field and represents a force density. To obtain a force
> density from the nodal forces, a mass matrix must be inverted on the
> contact boundary.
> Best regards,
> Yves
> On 30/07/2021 12:41, David Danan wrote:
> > Dear GetFem community,
> >
> > i am trying to compute the reaction forces associated to a dirichlet
> > condition, in order to do so, i have followed the advices given in
> > this thread
> >
> > <>
> >
> > You can also find enclosed my test case, using the python interface.
> > The steps are the following:
> > -Solve a simple 2D elasticity problem on a rectangle (dirichlet on the
> > left, neumann on the top)
> > -Compute the reaction forces arising from the residual without the
> > dirichlet condition, by using the solution in displacement, the
> > tangent matrix and the right hand side term
> > -Retrieve the value of the multiplier associated to the dirichlet
> > condition
> >
> > In fact, i expected both quantity to be the same but they were not (2
> > order of magnitude different, i didn't expect such large values for
> > the multipliers) and i was wondering which one was correct.
> > If it helps, you can find both quantities in Mult.png (Multipliers is
> > the true multiplier and MultipliersResidual is the residual without
> > the dirichlet condition).
> >
> > Next, i built a second model similar to the first one but without a
> > dirichlet condition. I added an explicit rhs using the
> > MultipliersResidual  ( Multipliers gave strange results) and tried to
> > solve the problem, you can see the original solution "Displacement"
> > and newsolution "Displacement_test" result in Sol.png.
> >
> > It seems i am missing something there, i expected the solutions to be
> > the same, not just close enough.
> > Can you enlighten me?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > David.
> >
> --
>    Yves Renard (       tel : (33)
>    INSA-Lyon
>    20, rue Albert Einstein
>    69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE
> ---------

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