Dear All,

I've started testing the GeFEM library and I've some questions, with
particular reference to the Python interface (the only one I can use so

1) the "add_lumped_mass_for_first_order_brick" method is not available even
though it is mentioned in the Python-Model guide for GetFEM 5.4. I've
installed the precompiled 5.4 version for Windows with
getfem5.4win-amd64-py3.7.exe. How can I get the Lumped_Mass feature for the
Python interface?

2) The documentation of bricks like "Generic Elliptic Brick",
"Fourier_Robin Brick" and "Source Term Brick" states that the coefficients
could be arbitrary GWFL expressions. What happens if I'd input non-linear
coefficients? How the software manages the assembly in this case? Or, it
would be better to use the Model method "add_non_linear_term"?

3) If I'd like to implement a radiation non-linear boundary condition, what
would be the more advisable way? Is in this case the "add_non_linear_term"
method the correct way?

4) I've not understood what is the difference between "add_source_term" and
"add_source_term_brick". Can you advise when I should use one or the other
(with a practical example).

5) Is there a way to visualize mesh regions for doublecheck purposes?
Maybe, is there a way to export such regions by means of the Python

Thank you in advance for your kind support.

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