Dear all

To describe a brain geometrical space contrains, I have three meshes part in my 
python script


meshb and mesh are 3d and meshtf is a fine membrane described by a triangle 
mesh surface

mesh and meshtf are attached at several places (nodes in common), how do I 
ensure that the fem takes this boundary condition in account?

To set up that the brain is sliding without friction inside the head, I wrote 
the following python lines

fbb = meshb.outer_faces()  # Boundary of the brain
fbh = meshh.outer_faces()  # Boundary of the head


# selection of faces for contact condition
meshh.set_region(HEAD_BOUND, fbh)
meshb.set_region(BRAIN_BOUND, fbb)

md.add_penalized_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick(mim3h, uh, ub, 
datanamer, HEAD_BOUND, BRAIN_BOUND, 1, lambda1_n)

Is it a good option? How to choose the parameters datanamer and lambda1?

I would like the brain to slide along the whole meshtf. How to define a set of 
faces that contains the entire triangles mesh?

Thank you

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