Dear Konstantinos

The example you are giving me does not seem to be for the mpi case (the flag 
--enable-paralevel=2 seems to be missing)
What would you add to install it on an high performance computing server?

Thank you

From: Konstantinos Poulios <>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 2:27 AM
To: Lesage,Anne Cecile J <>
Subject: [EXT] Re: installing getfem on a high performance computing cluster

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Dear Anne Cecile

Yes you can build GetFEM on any Linux basically. Maybe it will help your IT if 
you give them this link<;!!PfbeBCCAmug!2qFW8PNmZLzcEpHT40FYa9nxrT2ITWWqaeN8uzIe5fk4mb_9oIqz8S6x2UZ3GjYSnQ$>
where they can see how GetFEM is built on debian.

Best regards

On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 1:32 AM Lesage,Anne Cecile J 
<<>> wrote:
Dear all

I asked to the hpc team at my lab to install getfem on the cluster.
However do you know if getfem is compatible with linux  redhat enterprise (OS 
rhel 7)?

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