Dear all

Jinzhen Chen has been working on installing getfem for me on our hpc cluster
The solution that performs best is through the docker. He transformed it in a 
singularity container because we do not have docker installed on our server.
However when I call the export_to_vtu method in a python script to be able to 
visualize my results
I get the following error "AttributeError: 'MeshFem' object has no attribute 

Jinzhen also installed getfem/5.4.1 sucessfully in its serial version on the 
However with this installed library we also get the error
"AttributeError: 'MeshFem' object has no attribute 'export_to_vtu"
But also an error when calling the solver

Do you have a recommendation of newer versions of the source code or the docker 
that does not run into those issues?

Thank you

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