Dear Yintong Shang,

I compiled GetFEM for Python 3.7 using MinGW but I am not planning to do so
for Python >=3.8 since I have problems with these versions of Python with
other libraries (especially using Boost.Python for C++/Python interfaces
involving numpy arrays). I'm sorry. But you can try to install MinGW and
compile GetFEM following the instructions of the website (

Best regards
JF Barthélémy

Le mar. 14 déc. 2021 à 16:16, shayitoshang <> a
écrit :

> To whom it may concern,
> I want to install GetFEM on Windows 10 system, and I notice from
> that only Python 3.7 is supported. But I have been using Python 3.8 and
> changing version is tiring.
> Will there be support for Python 3.8 lately or if it is possible to use
> GetFEM on my current configuration?
> Best,
> Yintong Shang

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