yes, I see, I forgot something. It should be:

   SNRJ = gf.asm_generic(mimp3b, 1,
"(Gb*Grad(ub):Grad(ub)+Gb/(1-2*nub)*Div(ub)*Div(ub))*Test_t", -1, md,

                                     "t", True, mfpb,
np.zeros(mfpb.nbdof()), "select_output", "t")
otherwise the asm_generic function will include all model dofs which are
not used in the expression.

Best regards

On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 11:00 PM Lesage,Anne Cecile J <> wrote:

> Dear Konsta
> I wrote the following lines
> print('mfpf dofs',mfpb.nbdof(),'mfoutb dofs',mfoutb.nbdof())
> mass_mat = gf.asm_mass_matrix(mimp3b, mfpb)
> for step in range(steps):
>    nit, conv = md.solve('noisy', 'max_iter', 25, 'max_res', 1e-10,
> 'lsolver', 'mumps',
>                         'lsearch', 'simplest', 'alpha max ratio', 100,
> 'alpha min', 0.2, 'alpha mult', 0.6,
>                         'alpha threshold res', 1e9)
>    time_elapsed(timer)
>    it = step+1
>    SNRJ = gf.asm_generic(mimp3b, 1,
> "(Gb*Grad(ub):Grad(ub)+Gb/(1-2*nub)*Div(ub)*Div(ub))*Test_t", -1, md,
>                                      "t", True, mfpb,
> np.zeros(mfpb.nbdof()))
>    SNRJ = np.transpose(gf.linsolve_mumps(mass_mat, SNRJ))
> But I get a size error as follows on the transpose line
> <pre>mfpf dofs 54026 mfoutb dofs 54026
> Time elapsed: 9.0 minutes and 40.03 seconds
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File &quot;/work/;, line 271, in
> &lt;module&gt;
>     SNRJ = np.transpose(gf.linsolve_mumps(mass_mat, SNRJ))
>   File &quot;/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/getfem/;,
> line 6447, in linsolve_mumps
>     return getfem(&apos;linsolve&apos;, &apos;mumps&apos;, M, b)
> RuntimeError: (Getfem::InterfaceError) -- Argument 3 has wrong dimensions:
> expected 54026, found 1339902</pre>
> Thank you
> AC
> *From:* Konstantinos Poulios <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 26, 2022 2:24 AM
> *To:* Lesage,Anne Cecile J <>
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [EXT] Re: Computing the linear elastic strain energy
> *WARNING: *This email originated from outside of MD Anderson. Please
> validate the sender's email address before clicking on links or attachments
> as they may not be safe.
> Dear Anne-Cecile,
> Ok, I see. I would not do node-averaging, like most commercial (and not
> only) software do, for exporting smooth scalar fields (von Mises, strain
> energy, etc.). Instead, my favorite approach is the one that you can find in
> <;!!PfbeBCCAmug!wugJEgC0-WoDQzcgHwoZj5gYuTCA8KyuOZ3mE5mEy45wApyQgTuf2h_rRcM-rIzopg$>
> for exporting the plastic strain field GAMMA.
> What you need for this method is:
> 1) Before starting your simulation you calculate and store a mass matrix
> for the scalar mesh_fem that you want to get the nodal values for
> mass_mat = gf.asm_mass_matrix(mim, mfout)
> mfout has to be a scalar fem (1 dof per node).
> 2) After (each step of) your simulation, you assemble the quantity that
> you want to export, in this case strain energy with something like
>       STRAIN_ENERGY = gf.asm_generic(mim, 1, 
> "(Gb*Grad(ub):Grad(ub)+Gb/(1-2*nub)*Div(ub)*Div(ub))*Test_t", -1, md,
>                                      "t", True, mfout, 
> np.zeros(mfout.nbdof()))
> (check the correctness of the strain energy expression that I took from
> some code you sent earlier)
> 3) Recover nodal values with
>       STRAIN_ENERGY = np.transpose(gf.linsolve_mumps(mass_mat, STRAIN_ENERGY))
> Then the vector STRAIN_ENERGY has the nodal values of the strain energy
> on all dofs of mfout. If you calculate this vector for several simulations
> or simulation steps, you can copy the result into different columns of a
> big matrix as in the paper you are referring to.
> Hope it helps.
> BR
> Kostas
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 8:50 PM Lesage,Anne Cecile J <
>> wrote:
> Dear Konstantinos
> The problem with patient specific surgery modeling is that we ignore a lot
> of the surgery scenario
> One way to model it with FEM is to precompute an atlas of organ
> deformation with a variety of surgery scenario parameter (here direction of
> gravity, loss of brain buoyancy by csf drainage, shrinkage due to drug,
> swelling due to edema, tumor resection, etc …) That is about 1000
> simulations
> Then the idea is to match intraoperative data, the surgeons measure a
> ground truth displacement on a few brain surface points
> The idea is to minimize function equation 7 in attached pdf:
> the first term is the least square between the ground truth displacement
> and the simulated one see equation
> the second term use the elastic strain energy on fem points pondered by
> the distance to the ground truth measurement points
> Finally we want to get the optimal alpha pondering vector to match the
> surgery measurement
> Ideally I would like my python script to output after poroelastic
> simulation converge
> The simulated displacements on the few measurement points (15)
> The pondered energy term
> So that I can assemble the function to minimize for the whole atlas
> Thank you
> Regards
> Anne-Cecile
> *From:* Konstantinos Poulios <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 25, 2022 2:40 AM
> *To:* Lesage,Anne Cecile J <>
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* [EXT] Re: Computing the linear elastic strain energy
> *WARNING: *This email originated from outside of MD Anderson. Please
> validate the sender's email address before clicking on links or attachments
> as they may not be safe.
> Dear Anne-Cecile
> The elastic strain energy density (is a scalar) at each node is easy to
> calculate. However, I have to ask you what you need this quantity for. Your
> reference suggests calculating this quantity on nodes which is probably not
> the best solution. If you calculate the strain energy density at a node
> between different elements, you get different results depending on which
> element you are evaluating the common node from. Then some averaging is
> required to get a value somewhere between all neighboring elements.
> Normally we evaluate strain energy densities at integration points. If you
> tell us what you need this result for I can maybe help with a better
> solution.
> Best regards
> K.
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 9:09 PM Lesage,Anne Cecile J <
>> wrote:
> Dear all
> I need to output tat the end of my poroelastic simulation the linear
> elastic strain energy matrix at each node of my mesh
> See attached formula
> What is an optimal way to compute it from the displacement u?
> Epsilon i = 0.5 (grad u + grad ut) right?
> And S here is the stress-strain law for isotropic materials?
> Thank you
> Anne-Cecile
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