Dear David,

Assuming that you have a vectorial multiplier for contact called "mult",
you can get the components of the total contact force with

FX = gf.asm_generic(mim, 0, "mult(1)", CONTACT_RG, md)
FY = gf.asm_generic(mim, 0, "mult(2)", CONTACT_RG, md)

where CONTACT_RG is the region of the mesh in which the multiplier field is

To check the computed multiplier field, please try also to export the
entire field to a paraview file, and show us a screenshot, if you are in

Best regards

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 6:32 PM David Danan <>

> Dear Getfem-users,
> i have but a simple question.
> Using Getfem, i have computed the solution of a simple contact problem
> (the actual geometry does not really matter).
> Now, i would like to do a simple post-processing, that is, compute the
> integral over the contact boundary of the multiplier variable associated to
> the contact condition.
> Using the following discussion
> I think i am on a good track with asm_generic but i am not sure i am
> actually using it correctly as i have obtained some abnormally huge values.
> Could you give me the actual expression to use for such a post-processing?
> Thanks in advance,
> kind regards,
> David Danan.

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