Dear Anne Cecile

Yes, I can confirm this. Calling set_classical_fem(2) makes tertrahedral
elements into 10-node tetras, and hexahedral elements into 27-node hexas,
independent of whether they have the same number of nodes in the mesh that
you provide.


On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 4:56 PM Lesage,Anne Cecile J <> wrote:

> Dear all
> I am writing poroelastic python script for two equations coupling pressure
> and displacement
> If I write the following, does it mean that I am using a second order
> tetrahedra approximation for my displacement?
> ##########################################################################################################
> #
> # Definition of finite elements methods and integration method
> #
> #########################################################################################################
> press_fem_order = 1      # pressure finite element order
> disp_fem_order  = 2       # displacements finite element order
> mfub = gf.MeshFem(meshb, 3)
> mfub.set_classical_fem(disp_fem_order)
> mimu3b=gf.MeshIm(meshb, 5)   # integration displacement on tetrahedra brain
> mfpb= gf.MeshFem(meshb, 1)
> mfpb.set_classical_fem(press_fem_order)
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  • fem order Lesage,Anne Cecile J
    • Re: fem order Konstantinos Poulios

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