Dear Getfem-Users,

I am trying to impose a rolling condition on a "tire". My work is directly
inspired from the "Example of wheel in contact" tutorial
<>. In this tutorial, one wants to
prescribe the rim rigidity and the vertical force. From this, I just have
to add a rolling condition. Specifically I want to find the rotation speed
"alpha_rot" that enables me to impose some force Fx:

gwfl_rot='-lambda_D.Test_u +
+ [speed*time;alpha_y] - u).Test_lambda_D +(lambda_D.[1;0] +
Fx)*Test_alpha_rot + 1E-6*alpha_rot*Test_alpha_rot'
gwfl_y='(lambda_D.[0;1] + Fy)*Test_alpha_y + 1E-6*alpha_y*Test_alpha_y'

idBrick = model.add_nonlinear_term(mim, roll_gwfl, HoleZone)

Where alpha_rot and alpha_y are the "parameters" I am trying to find. This
works for up to ten timesteps but then it diverges... I tried to use two
multipliers instead of one which leads to worse results.
Am I on the right track ? Is there a better way to achieve this ?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,


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