Dear Eloi,

I think what you are looking for is something like this

md.add_filtered_fem_variable("u", V, region)
M = gf.asm_generic(IM, 2, "Test2_u*Test_u", region, md)
K = gf.asm_generic(IM, 2, "Grad_Test2_u.Grad_Test_u", region, md)
M = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((M.csc_val(),*(M.csc_ind()[::-1])))
K = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((K.csc_val(),*(K.csc_ind()[::-1])))


On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 4:57 PM Eloi Martinet <>

> Hello,
> I'm using the python interface of GetFEM. My goal is to compute the
> laplace eigenvalues on a region of a spherical mesh, as follows (suppose
> the mesh, integration method IM and meshfem V is already declared):
>    # Assemble the stiffness and mass matrices
>     md = gf.Model("real")
>     md.add_fem_variable("u", V)
>     Kg = gf.asm_generic(IM, 2, "Grad_Test2_u.Grad_Test_u", region, md)
>     Mg = gf.asm_generic(IM, 2, "Test2_u*Test_u", region, md)
>     # Convert to scipy sparse
>     K = getfem_to_scipy_sparse(Kg)
>     M = getfem_to_scipy_sparse(Mg)
>     # Compute the eigenvalues
>     eVal, eVec = scipy.linalg.sparse.eigsh(K, k+max_multiplicity+1, M,
> sigma=0, which='LM', v0=v0)
> however, the size of the matrices K and M are the same as V.nbdof()
> whereas it should have less since the region isn't the whole mesh.
> Moreover, when I try to use the function "basic_dof_on_region", I get the
> following error :
>    NameError: name 'basic_dof_on_region' is not defined
> I saw the things about the extension matrices but this is not clear to me
> how to construct it from the label of the region. So my question is what is
> the best way to compute eigenvalues on a region ?
> Thank you for your help and have a good day.

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