Can you show a picture of your mesh and the boundaries you need to

(As Yves has mentioned, if you just need to have a periodic temperature
field you do not need to constrain the gradient explicitly, when you just
constrain the value of the field to be periodic, the gradient continuity is
fulfilled implicitly in any FEM code)

On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 2:53 PM Bourriche Lahoussaine <> wrote:

> In fact it's the problem is :
> No valid element for the transformation.
> so what 's your proposition to make
>  md.add_interpolate_transformation_from_expression("L2R", m, m,
> "X+[LX;0;0]")
> in my case  ?
> Cordialement
> Lahoussaine BOURRICHE
> 3A, ENSEEIHT , Physique numérique
> +33 6 20 76 17 12
> ------------------------------
> *De: *"Lahoussaine Bourriche" <>
> *À: *"Konstantinos Poulios" <>
> *Envoyé: *Mercredi 20 Juillet 2022 11:59:35
> *Objet: *Re: Periodic problem
> It's good now i found how to deal with this.
> But for "L_RG" it will bie what exactly in python ( left dof ? )
> Cordialement
> Lahoussaine BOURRICHE
> 3A, ENSEEIHT , Physique numérique
> +33 6 20 76 17 12
> ------------------------------
> *De: *"Lahoussaine Bourriche" <>
> *À: *"Konstantinos Poulios" <>
> *Envoyé: *Mercredi 20 Juillet 2022 11:52:40
> *Objet: *Re: Periodic problem
> i guess it's X+[Cos(60)*X[1]; Sin(60)*X[2] ]
> i made a samll mistake
> Cordialement
> Lahoussaine BOURRICHE
> 3A, ENSEEIHT , Physique numérique
> +33 6 20 76 17 12
> ------------------------------
> *De: *"Lahoussaine Bourriche" <>
> *À: *"Konstantinos Poulios" <>
> *Envoyé: *Mercredi 20 Juillet 2022 11:48:03
> *Objet: *Re: Periodic problem
> Thanks
> Its very clear just one more thing
> I'm working on a geomtery of a triangle so base on what you said i'll do :
> md.add_interpolate_transformation_from_expression("L2R", m, m,
> "X+[Cos(60)*X[1]; Cos(60)*X[2] ] ")
> ....
> ? and for the degre should it be the exact degree ( in reality i have
> 59.998 ° )
> BR
> Lahoussaine
> ------------------------------
> *De: *"Konstantinos Poulios" <>
> *À: *"Lahoussaine Bourriche" <>
> *Cc: *"getfem-users" <>, "Yves Renard" <
> *Envoyé: *Mercredi 20 Juillet 2022 11:34:58
> *Objet: *Re: Periodic problem
> Dear Lahoussaine,
> Before answering your question, I would like to give you an alternative to
> Lagrange multipliers for imposing simple periodicity conditions. You can
> have a look at this code snippet:
> # Periodicity and horizontal top surface conditions
> dofsL = mfu.basic_dof_on_region(L_RG)
> dofsR = mfu.basic_dof_on_region(R_RG)
> dofsT = np.setdiff1d(mfu.basic_dof_on_region(T_RG),np.union1d(dofsL,
> dofsR))
> xdofsL = dofsL[0::N]; ydofsL = dofsL[1::N]
> xdofsR = dofsR[0::N]; ydofsR = dofsR[1::N]
> xdofsT = dofsT[0::N]; ydofsT = dofsT[1::N]
> xy = mfu.basic_dof_nodes();
> perm = np.argsort(np.abs(xy[1,xdofsL]))
> xdofsL = xdofsL[perm]; ydofsL = ydofsL[perm]
> perm = np.argsort(np.abs(xy[1,xdofsR]))
> xdofsR = xdofsR[perm]; ydofsR = ydofsR[perm]
> fullsize = mfu.nb_basic_dof()
> kept_dofs = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(fullsize),
>                          np.union1d(dofsR, dofsT))
> newsize = len(kept_dofs)
> origdofs = np.arange(fullsize)[kept_dofs]
> newdofs = -np.ones(fullsize, np.int_)
> newdofs[kept_dofs] = np.arange(len(kept_dofs))
> RR = gf.Spmat("empty", newsize, fullsize)
> EE = gf.Spmat("empty", fullsize, newsize)
> for i in range(len(origdofs)):
>    RR.assign(i, origdofs[i], 1.)
>    EE.assign(origdofs[i], i, 1.)
> for i in range(len(xdofsR)):
>    EE.assign(xdofsR[i], newdofs[xdofsL[i]], 1.)
>    EE.assign(ydofsR[i], newdofs[ydofsL[i]], 1.)
> topxdof = newdofs[xdofsL[-1]]
> topydof = newdofs[ydofsL[-1]]
> for i in range(len(xdofsT)):
>    EE.assign(xdofsT[i], topxdof, 1.)
>    EE.assign(ydofsT[i], topydof, 1.)
> mfu.reduction_matrices(RR,EE)
> The snippet is a bit more complex because it deals also with the top
> surface and with the special corner cases, but it should give you an idea
> about this solution.
> Regarding your actual question, you need to use the Interpolate operator
> of the GWFL. Assume that you want to implement a periodicity condition on
> some gradients between two faces L_RG and R_RG of the model md, that are at
> a distance LX from each other. Then you start by defining an interpolate
> transformation between L_RG and R__RG, let's call it "L2R", you define a
> multiplier on the left face L_RG, let's call it "mult", and then you add a
> term to the L_RG region of the model that corresponds to the condition you
> want to impose. E.g. for restricting the component of the gradient normal
> to the faces, you can use something like:
> md.add_initialized_data("LX",LX)
> md.add_interpolate_transformation_from_expression("L2R", m, m,
> "X+[LX;0;0]")
> md.add_filtered_fem_variable('mult', mfu, L_RG)
> md.add_linear_term(mim, "mult.((Grad_u-Interpolate(Grad_T,L2R))*Normal)",
> L_RG)
> I hope this is enough to give you an idea, but if you have additional
> questions, feel free to ask.
> Sometimes the interpolate transformation suffers from precision errors and
> you might need to use some correction like
> md.add_interpolate_transformation_from_expression("L2R", m, m,
> "X+[LX-1e-10;0;0]")
> But don't bother with that, unless you get some error message about the
> transformation having failed.
> Best regards
> Kostas
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 9:42 AM Bourriche Lahoussaine <
>> wrote:
>> Hy;
>> For periodic condition i do something like :
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ConstraintMatrix = gf.Spmat('empty',1 ,mfu.nb_basic_dof())
>> L=np.zeros((mfu.nb_basic_dof(),1))
>> for i in range(len(leftDof)):
>>       ConstraintMatrix[0,leftDof[i]]=1
>>       ConstraintMatrix[0,rightDof[i]]=1
>>       md.add_variable('mult_spec'+str(i),1)
>>       # print(i)
>>       md.add_constraint_with_multipliers( 'u','mult_spec'+str(i),
>> ConstraintMatrix,0)
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> And it worked perfectly;
>> Now i want to add another periodic condition: this new on derivatives
>> The derivative of u in leftDof  must equal the derivative of T in rightDOF
>> Do you have ideas
>> Best regards
>> Lahoussaine

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