La release 5.0 della OSGeo Live è finalmente pronta.


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> Da: Cameron Shorter <>
> Data: 07 settembre 2011 14.26.44 GMT+02.00
> A: OSGeo Discussions <>, "" 
> <>
> Oggetto: [Live-demo] OSGeo-Live 5.0 released - the Open Source Geospatial DVD
> Version 5.0 of the OSGeo-Live GIS software collection has been released. 
> OSGeo-Live is a self-contained bootable DVD, USB flash drive and Virtual 
> Machine based upon Ubuntu Linux that is pre-configured with a wide variety of 
> robust open source geospatial software. 
> The applications can be trialled without installing anything on your 
> computer, simply by booting the computer from the DVD or USB drive. 
> A DVD or USB of OSGeo-Live is being distributed to every delegate at the 
> upcoming international conference for Free and Open Source Software, 
> Homepage:
> Highlights
> 47 Quality GeoSpatial Open Source applications installed and pre-configured
> Quality free world maps
> One page overviews and quick starts for all applications
> Overviews of key OGC standards
> Translations for Greek, German, Polish, Spanish and Japanese
> Contents
> Browser Clients
> OpenLayers 2.10 - Browser GIS Client
> Geomajas - 1.8 Browser GIS Client
> Mapbender 2.7.2 - Geoportal Framework
> MapFish 2.2 - Web Mapping Framework
> GeoMoose 2.4 - Web GIS Portal
> Crisis Management
> Sahana Eden 0.5.5 - Disaster management
> Ushahidi 2.1 - Mapping and Timeline for events
> Databases
> PostGIS 1.5 - Spatial Database
> SpatiaLite 2.3.1 / 2.4 beta - Lightweight Database
> Rasdaman 8.2 - Multi-Dimensional Raster Database
> pgRouting 1.05 - Routing for PostGIS
> Desktop GIS
> Quantum GIS (QGIS) 1.7.0
> GRASS GIS 6.4.1
> gvSIG Desktop 1.11
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig) 1.2.2
> Kosmo Desktop 2.0.1
> SAGA 2.0.7
> OSSIM 1.8.6 - Image Processing
> Geopublisher 1.7 - Catalogue
> AtlasStyler 1.7 - Style Editor
> osgEarth 2.0 - 3D Terrain Rendering
> Navigation and Maps
> GpsDrive 2.11 - GPS Navigation
> Marble 1.0.2 - Spinning Globe
> OpenCPN 2.5.0 - Marine GPS Chartplotter
> OpenStreetMap Tools - JOSM, Merkaartor, Gosmore, Osmarender
> Prune 12 - View, Edit and Convert GPS Tracks
> Viking 9.9.94 - GPS Data Analysis and Viewer
> zyGrib 5.0 - Weather Forecast Maps
> Spatial Tools
> GeoKettle 2.0-RC1 - ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) Tool
> GDAL/OGR 1.8.0 - GeoSpatial Data Translation Tools
> GMT 4.5.2 - Cartographic Rendering
> Mapnik 0.7.1 - Cartographic Rendering
> MapTiler 1.0beta2 - Create Map Tiles
> OTB 3.10 - Image Processing
> R Spatial Task View 2.12.1 - Statistical Programming
> Web Services
> GeoServer 2.1.1
> MapServer 6.0.1
> deegree 3.0
> GeoNetwork 2.6.4 - Metadata Catalog and Catalog Services for Web
> MapProxy 1.1.1 - Proxy WMS &amp; tile services
> QGIS Server 1.7.0 - Web Map Service
> 52°North WSS 2.2.0 - Web Security Service
> 52°North WPS - 2.0 RC6 - Web Processing Service
> 52°North SOS - 3.2.0 Sensor Observation Service
> TinyOWS 1.0 - WFS-T Service
> ZOO Project 1.0.0 - Web Processing Service
> Data
> Natural Earth 1.3.1 - Geographic Data Sets
> OSGeo's North Carolina, USA Educational dataset
> OpenStreetMap - Sample extract from OpenStreetMap
> Geospatial Libraries
> GeoTools - Java GIS Toolkit
> MetaCRS - Coordinate Reference System Transformations
> libLAS - LiDAR Data Access
> Credits
> Over 80 people have directly helped with OSGeo-Live packaging, documenting 
> and translating, and thousands have been involved in building the packaged 
> software.
> Packagers, documenters and translators include: Activity Workshop, Agustín 
> Díez, Aikaterini Kapsampeli, Alan Boudreault, Alexandre Dube, Alex Mandel, 
> Andrea Antonello, Andrea Yanza, Angelos Tzotsos, Anne Ghisla, Anton 
> Patrushev, Argyros Argyridis, Astrid Emde, Brian Hamlin, Bruno Binet, Cameron 
> Shorter, Christos Iossifidis, Dane Springmeyer, Daniel Kastl, David 
> Terrativa, Diego González, Dominik Helle, Eike Hinderk Jürrens, Eric Lemoine, 
> Etienne Dube, Fran Boon, François Prunayre, Frank Gasdorf, Gavin Treadgold, 
> Gérald Fenoy, Hamish Bowman, Haruyuki Seki, Henry Addo, Hernan Olivera, 
> Howard Butler, Ian Turton, Jackie Ng, Jan Drewnak, Javier Sanchez, Jesús 
> Gómez, Jim Klassen, Jody Garnett, Johan Van de Wauw, Jorge Sanz, José Antonio 
> Canalejo, Judit Mays, Klokan Petr Pridal, Kristof Lange, Lance McKee, Lars 
> Lingner, Lucía Sanjaime, Mage Whopper, Manuel Grizonnet, Marco Puppin, Mark 
> Leslie, Massimo Di Stefano, Mauricio Miranda, Mauricio Pazos, Michael 
> Owonibi, Mike Adair, Milena Nowotarska, Nathaniel V. Kelso, Ned Horning, 
> Nobusuke Iwasaki, Oliver Tonnhofer, Òscar Fonts, Otto Dassau, Pedro-Juan 
> Ferrer, Pirmin Kalberer, Ricardo Pinho, Ruth Schoenbuchner, Samuel Mesa, 
> Sergio Baños, Simon Cropper, Simon Pigot, Stefan A. Tzeggai, Stefan Hansen, 
> Steve Lime, Thierry Badard, Thomas Baschetti, Trevor Wekel, Valenty Gonzalez, 
> and Yoichi Kayama.
> Sponsoring organisations:
> LISAsoft provides sustaining resources and staff toward the management and 
> packaging of software onto the Live DVD.
> Information Center for the Environment at the University of California, Davis 
> provides hardware resources and development support to the OSGeo Live 
> project.
> The DebianGIS and UbuntuGIS teams provide and quality-assure many of the core 
> packages. and 
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Director
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
> _______________________________________________
> Live-demo mailing list

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527 iscritti al 7.7.2011

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