Cari Tutti,

vi segnalo la risorsa "Geopublisher" (inglese, francese, tedesco).

Geopublisher is an atlas authoring system which allows easy publication of maps 
(geo-data), documents, images, videos, and statistics in form of digital 
multimedia atlases. These atlases can be understood as minimal, pre-configured 
end-user GIS which offer selected functionality only where its meaningful. 
Atlases can be directly published on CD, DVD, memory stick, external hard-drive 
or the Internet. The software is platform-independent and Open-Source 

AtlasStyler is a graphical desktop tool to style raw geodata into nice maps. It 
produces OGC SLD/Symbology Encoding files, that can also be used in Geoserver 
or other WMS.

The project web page features documentation, online 
tutorials, user- and developer mailing lists, and the Geopublishing blog, as 
well as a collection of publicly available demo atlases.

Cari saluti,

P.S. Mi scuso se "condivido" senza una preparato una adeguata "recensione"... 
Spero di provvedere in tal senso al piĆ¹ presto possibile!

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I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni 
666 iscritti al 22.7.2013

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