Pubblicato QGIS 2.8. L'importante novita' e' che questa e' una versione
a lungo termine, che avra' una serie di rilasci con la sistemazione dei
bugs (ma non nuove funzioni), man mano che questi saranno disponibili.
Invitiamo tutti gli interessati a finanziare la sistemazione dei bugs,
in modo da avere una versione sempre piu' stabile.
Credo che questo sara' un bel cambiamento soprattutto per chi opera
all'interno di grandi strutture, dove l'aggiornamento di nuove versioni
e' spesso un problema.
Cordiali saluti.

--------  Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: [Qgis-developer] LTR
Data: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 14:00:39 +0100
Mittente: Jürgen E. Fischer <>


I started to including the LTR release in the packaging/nightly builds.  I'm
going to change the plan/procedure a bit.   Both regular release and ltr
be branched of master and continue to be called release-$major_$minor.
additionally gets a ltr-$major_$minor tag. is already
changed that
way any release-2_8 has such a tag.

A cronjob will monitor release branches for changes and intiate a new point
release whenever there are two week silence after a new commit (or manually
when there was a very important fix).

The nightly builds will monitor master, latest release and ltr branch and
create nightly packages if there are changes (1+2+4), unless there was a
version change (ie. a point release) in which case regular packages will be
made (3+5).

For Windows there will be five different packages (1-5: qgis-dev,
qgis, qgis-ltr-dev, qgis-ltr) in OSGeo4W, for debian/ubuntu there will
be five
different repositories (1-5: debian-nightly, debian-nightly-release, debian,
debian-lts-nightly, debian-lts).

4+5 are only made if the latest release and ltr branch are different.  Until
then latest release and ltr are identical anyway.  That also means ltr
only start four months after a ltr release happened and we maintain the ltr
branch four months as our regular and nine specifically as separate ltr
release.  That also implies that installing ltr packages means that you
something that already has seen four months of maintainance.

An open question is what to do in the four month a new ltr is out.
While there
is no new regular release only regular packages are created and there are no
new ltr packages.  This might be negligible as the ltr branch will have been
maintained for a year as promised, but if you only install ltr packages
will be a gap of four months without updates.  But I guess that can be left
open until we get there.



Jürgen E. Fischer           norBIT GmbH             Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)             Rheinstraße 13          Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer           D-26506 Norden   
QGIS release manager (PSC)  Germany                    IRC: jef on

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