On 24/09/2015 20:56, suburbanstu...@runbox.com wrote:
tuttavia in alcuni casi con abbreviazione in maiuscolo, del tipo " M. BRIGNONE"
la funzione rende questo risultato "M.brignone"  e non quello auspicato di

...la causa è da ricercare nella mancanza di spazio nel database primario tra l'abbreviazione ed il nome


POORLY FORMATTED DATA.... (si trattata del database della Regione Liguria )

Aggiornato da Borys Jurgiel oltre 2 anni fa
Maybe my example was too abstract, better one would be POI names that are sometimes acronyms. I prefer to be forced to use the two functions capitalize(lower(lga_name)) over having no way to preserve acronyms. Of course the best would be to have both capitalize() and title(). But maybe it's not so important. Usually I have the luck to work on properly prepared data, so I don't have much experience with correcting poor data at this stage. I don't insist anymore :)
Aggiornato da Nyall Dawson oltre 2 anni fa
Lucky -- Almost all the data I work with is poorly formatted! Anyway, I think the best resolution would be renaming Title case -> Capitalize First Letter for now, and then ideally adding a proper "Title case" option after 2.0. We could even make it handle fancy things like not capitalizing "a" or "the" when they're in the middle of a string...
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