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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Veronica Andreo <>
Date: 6 September 2016 at 14:25
Subject: [GRASS-dev] Recap from the GRASS GIS Community Sprint at
FOSS4G 2016 - Bonn
To: grass-user <>, grass-dev

Hello GRASS-ers!!

We share here some thoughts and impressions from the past GRASS GIS
Community Sprint at FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn.

Thoughts and impressions from the GRASS GIS Community Sprint at FOSS4G
2016, Bonn

Last week we had the pleasure to attend the International FOSS4G 2016
Conference in Bonn. But not only that... before and after the
conference, two "Code Sprints" took place.

What is a "Code Sprint"? Basically, it is a group of free and open
source developers who (fueled with beer, coffee and
snacks/pizza/sandwiches) gather to develop new stuff, enhance existing
tools, perform bug fixing, translate and write documentation, discuss
and decide the way to go with the software they contribute to
(essentially the software they love we would say, it all comes to
that). Anyway, in this context, also GRASS GIS developers gathered in
what we usually call the "Community Sprints", since it's not only a
meeting of developers but also of users, and other contributors -
everybody is welcome and their help appreciated.

So, what did we do at these two sprints?

Well, first of all, we had a great time! It is always a great joy to
meet again (or in some cases even for the first time) with those
people that use to answer your emails in the mailing list(s), fix or
enhance modules, help in so many ways... One feels at home :-)

But we also worked a lot! The most important is that the last GRASS
GIS 6 version was released on Sunday at 1:00 am or so [1]. Also
several other issues were discussed and addressed, i.e.: the next
minor release of 7.0.5 - planned for mid of September, and the new
major release of GRASS GIS 7.2.0, which is planned for 1st of October
2016. Furthermore, the styling of a new Web site for the GRASS GIS
project was lively discussed. Moreover, the participants fixed a
number of bugs, backported numerous features, cleaned outdated
tickets, and added some new features. Even a new add-on was developed
in these days. Eventually also some tutorials explaining how to work
with time series and Sentinel-2 satellite data got written up. Last
but not least, a member of the community provided a new flyer for
GRASS GIS. Please help us translating, improving and distributing it!

Oh! And by Sunday evening, also the PSC election 2016 time was over,
and we got a new PSC (See results here)! Congratulations!!! For the
first time, users that have contributed to GRASS GIS project were
formally invited to vote... Isn't that great? Therefore, Community
Sprints, Community Spirit ;-)

Join and enjoy GRASS GIS!

Link to the full announcement with photo:

For more details, you may visit our related wiki page:


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