The period for presenting proposals for the second gvSIG Festival in still open [1]. If you have used gvSIG for your projects you can send us a proposal, and present it at this virtual gvSIG conference. You only would need a computeer with internet connection.

The event will be held in May 16th and 17th, and it's free of charge and completely online, through the webinar service of the gvSIG Association.

If you want to present your project at the gvSIG Festival, you can send a summmary to the following e-mail address:, explaining the project. The summary will have no more than 300 words, it has to be written in Spanish or English, and you have to indicate the title and the language of the presentation.

Once the program is configured it will be published at the event website, and registrations will be opened.

Questa e' una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni 
808 iscritti al 07/03/2017

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