Hi Andy
Thanks for the reply.

It is a Mac Book Pro display resolution is 1440*900 by default, rising to
the max 1920*1200 it is a bit better but still is like text has no

It seems it launch QGIS in low resolution (according to
application->qgis->right click->obtain information QGIS is opened in low
resolution. Unfortunately I cannot uncheck this option...

Il 10 feb 2018 15:36, "Andy Anderson" <aander...@amherst.edu> ha scritto:

Hi, Maxi,

I don’t have this problem on my Mac. QGIS adapts to the screen resolution
in use, and current Macs generally have high-resolution screens. What type
of Mac are you using, and can you look and see what the resolution is that
you have it set to use? System Preferences > Display.

— Andy

On Feb 10, 2018, at 9:14 AM, Massimiliano Cannata <
massimiliano.cann...@supsi.ch> wrote:

Hi all

Since I know you use Mac and QGIS I was wandering if there is a solution
for low resolution QGIS interface on Mac.

In my Ubuntu is looking great also with 3200*1800 but in Mac is horribly
pixelized :-)

Monday I will have course with students from visual communication bachelor
so I already immagine the complaints for pixelized application... :-o

Thanks for any answer


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