Are you interested in distributing the gvSIG Suite products in your country or region? Would you like to be an official gvSIG Online distributor? Would you like to collaborate and count on the gvSIG Association in the free geomatics projects carrying out?

The dinamization of a quality industrial fabric is one of the objectives of the gvSIG Association, based on the provision of services on free geomatics based on the gvSIG Suite. Helping to create a network of collaborators that, under the umbrella of the gvSIG Association, can develop their business model. Reducing asymmetries. Promoting collaboration. Generating a true business alternative using open source software. Going one step beyond.

For all of these reasons and with the consolidation of the gvSIG Suite – with desktop, mobile and web solutions (Spatial Data Infrastructure and geoportals) and also sector products – we have decided to go ahead with making an call to those interested in becoming official distributors of the products and services promoted by the gvSIG Association.

For further information you can consult the gvSIG Blog [1]

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796 iscritti al 28/12/2017

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