Hi All,

OK, I am finally taking the plunge!  I am releasing the alpha
version of GridSlammer to the Internet.  Many thanks to the
people that answered my GPL vs LGPL post... It helped me
to decide on LGPL.

You can find the GridSlammer web page at:


You can download the reference game from:


This is only a temporary location until I get the
www.gridslammer.org web site up and running (that should
happen this week) so don't run and add this thing to
search engines yet.  Also, I would prefer to hold off on
a full announcement to sites like Slashdot and LinuxToday
until a smaller, select group of people can kick the
tires on it.  That is why I am letting the GGI list (and
a few other people) take a sneak peek at it.  I would
like to get some early feedback before the actual
release announcement.

This version uses GGI direct buffer access to implement
my own ugly transparent blit code.  It assumes the
visual is running in 16bit mode.  This should be fixed,
but I think the best way to do that is to implement a
new 2D library on GGI, so that is where I will put my
effort.  Access to real hardware accelerations will make
a huge difference in performance, as you can tell by
comparing the Windows version (which uses DirectX) to
the Linux/GGI version.

I look forward to hearing your opinions.  For now, just
email me at this address.  The mailing lists described in
the web page are not set up yet.


Thad Phetteplace

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