Hello GHC Devs,

Hopefully, the new DNS entry for git.haskell.org should be visible for
all of you by the time you read this. This mostly completes the
migration part of the GitolitePlan[1].

With the new hostname, the URLs to use for `sync-all` to fetch via
git://, http://, or ssh:// (ordered by increasing latency & url length)

  ./sync-all -r     git://git.haskell.org remote set-url origin
  ./sync-all -r    http://git.haskell.org remote set-url origin
  ./sync-all -r ssh://g...@git.haskell.org remote set-url origin

...and for setting the push-URL (via ssh://) use

  ./sync-all -r ssh://g...@git.haskell.org remote set-url --push origin

Please note that the (deprecated) `/libraries` symlink to `/packages` is
only supported at the old http://darcs.haskell.org/ Git repo location.

Finally, the new Gitweb interface[2] to the GHC Git repos should have
become accessible for everyone (w/o hacking `/etc/hosts`).


 [1]: http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/GitolitePlan
 [2]: http://git.haskell.org/

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