The reason it's not safe in Safe Haskell is precisely #1496, the newtpye 
deriving bug.  Now that's fixed, Safe Haskell can remove the safety check.  

This is another question that could usefully be articulated on the design page, 


| -----Original Message-----
| From: Richard Eisenberg []
| Sent: 07 September 2013 18:46
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones
| Cc: Joachim Breitner;
| Subject: Re: newtype coercion wrapping status
| OK -- thanks for clarifying. This all sits better with me.
| But, I'm still a little concerned about the "Safe Haskell" implications.
| My understanding is that allowing coercions when the constructor is not
| exported will not be considered "Safe". Here's a way forward:
| Currently: a type is considered abstract when its constructors are not
| exported.
| Future proposal: a type is considered abstract when its constructors are
| not exported AND its type parameters are all at role Nominal.
| Under this new definition of "abstract", a library writer that remembers
| not to export a constructor but neglects to use a role annotation should
| consider a type *not* to be abstract. Is this what we want?
| Richard
| On Sep 7, 2013, at 1:16 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones <>
| wrote:
| >
| > | In the current code, the
| > |         instance Coercible a b => Coercible (T a) (T b)
| > | is available for both data and newtypes, if T's type argument has
| > | Representational role, but independent of any constructor presence.
| See
| > | the note at
| > |
| > | for a concise and complete list of the conditions for a Coercible
| > | instance.
| >
| > Right! I explained that badly the first time; thanks for clarifying
| Joachim.
| >
| > So newtype and data behave alike, except that newtype has the
| *additional* property that if its constructor is available you can coerce
| to the representation type.
| >
| > | If I understood Simon's last suggestion correctly than exporting a
| type
| > | constructor with a non-Nominal role means "I am fine if you cast this
| > | argument". If this is not desired (e.g. maybe Ptr a is an example
| here),
| > | then the library author has to annotate the type argument as Nominal.
| >
| > Yes, that's right.  In theory someone could want the coercible instance
| *plus* the nominal role, or vice versa, but I think we can jump that
| bridge if we come to it.
| >
| > Simon
| >

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