I took a look here and would like to help, but I'm confused: What makes you 
think the dictionary for (Eq [b]) would be in scope? I can see where the (Eq b) 
comes from (the theta that pops out of patSynSig), but where does (Eq [b]) come 


On Sep 8, 2013, at 4:31 AM, Dr. ERDI Gergo <ge...@erdi.hu> wrote:

> Hi,
> Based on feedback from Simon PJ a couple weeks ago, I started a substantial 
> rewrite of the typecheker of pattern synonyms, to support existential types. 
> My latest code (full of 'stash' commits and a huge amount of 'traceTc' calls) 
> is available in the pattern-synonyms-wip branch of 
> http://github.com/gergoerdi/ghc.git.
> What I'm struggling with, is capturing the evidence bindings during the
> typechecking of a pattern which is a pattern synonym occurance. For example, 
> suppose I have the following module:
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, PatternSynonyms #-}
> module ConstrEx where
> data T where
>    MkT :: (Eq b) => b -> b -> T
> pattern P b b' = (MkT b b', ())
> f (P x y) = [x] == [y]
> The names in the following will refer to the output of pattern-synonyms-wip 
> with --ddump-tc-trace.
> The right-hand side of 'f' requires an instance Eq [b], and is given an 
> instance $dEq_an5 :: Eq b, so it binds a dictionary '$dEq_an7 = 
> GHC.Classes.$fEq[] @[b] [$dEq_an5]'. This makes sense. However, inside 
> 'tcPatSynPat', which is the version of 'tcPat' for pattern synonym 
> occurances, the 'checkConstraints'-wrapped  call to (eventually) 
> 'thing_inside' doesn't capture this binding (I get back an empty 'TcEvBinds').
> This causes problems further on because even though $dEq_an5 is going to be 
> in scope while generating code for the right-hand side (since 'tcInstPatSyn', 
> the function that instantiates 'P x y' into '(MkT x y, ())', substitutes the 
> name of the dictionary bound by MkT, $dEq_amS, to $dEq_an5), but $dEq_an7 is 
> not, since its binding is not emitted by 'tcPatSynPat' (since it doesn't get 
> it from 'checkConstraints'). Looking at the tc-trace log, I see '$dEq_an7 = 
> GHC.Classes.$fEq[] @[b] [$dEq_an5]' on line 2070, way after the call to 
> 'checkConstraints' returns on line 1811.
> I realize the above description is basically incomprehensible unless you go 
> through the trouble of reading through 'tcPatSynDecl', 'tcPatSynPat' and 
> 'tcInstPatSyn', but I don't yet know how to even formulate my question more 
> succinctly.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
>       Gergo
> -- 
>  .--= ULLA! =-----------------.
>   \     http://gergo.erdi.hu   \
>    `---= ge...@erdi.hu =-------'
> GDK is the GNU Not Unix Image Manipulation Program Tool Kit Drawing Kit
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