On 2014-04-02 at 09:35:31 +0200, Christian Maeder wrote:
> I had a similar problem on a Mac (and clang) that I could solve by
> updating to the versions of (happy and) alex that you already use. Are
> you sure that Lexer.hs was freshly (re-)generated?

...it was freshly generated (by [1] - I forced it to be recreated by
removing it), and it has exactly the same content it has when using GCC
for building (which succeeds compiling it)

Does it make a difference whether 'Alex' was compiled by a
Clang-configured GHC in the first place?

 [1]: "${HOME}/.cabal/bin/alex"  -g --latin1   compiler/parser/Lexer.x -o 

      ...and ${HOME}/.cabal/bin/alex is in fact version 3.1.3
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