On 2014-05-13 at 16:16:12 +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:


>         commit 4cfc1fae11ec9a5c4b34ac747f0ce50f52423eba
>         Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simo...@microsoft.com>
>         Date:   Tue May 13 13:15:45 2014 +0100
>             Lint should check that TyConAppCo doesn't have a synonym in the 
> tycon position
>             That is why Lint didn't nail Trac #9102

Fyi, this commit actually already breaks an ordinary './validate' run with

| "inplace/bin/ghc-stage1" -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -static  -H32m -O 
-Werror -Wall -H64m -O0    -package-name hoopl- -hide-all-packages -i 
-ilibraries/hoopl/src -ilibraries/hoopl/dist-install/build 
-Ilibraries/hoopl/dist-install/build/autogen -Ilibraries/hoopl/.    
-optP-include -optPlibraries/hoopl/dist-install/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h 
-package base- -package containers- -Wall 
-fno-warn-name-shadowing -XHaskell2010 -O2 -O -dcore-lint 
-fno-warn-deprecated-flags  -no-user-package-db -rtsopts      -odir 
libraries/hoopl/dist-install/build -hidir libraries/hoopl/dist-install/build 
-stubdir libraries/hoopl/dist-install/build  -dynamic-too -c 
libraries/hoopl/src/Compiler/Hoopl/Block.hs -o 
libraries/hoopl/dist-install/build/Compiler/Hoopl/Block.o -dyno 
| *** Core Lint errors : in result of Desugar (after optimization) ***
| <no location info>: Warning:
|     In a case alternative: (Compiler.Hoopl.Block.BlockCO dt_d26X :: e_a16G
GHC.Prim.~# Compiler.Hoopl.Block.C,
|                                                          dt_d26Y :: x_a16H
GHC.Prim.~# Compiler.Hoopl.Block.O,
|                                                          f_aJQ :: n_aSy 
Compiler.Hoopl.Block.C Compiler.Hoopl.Block.O,
|                                                          b_aJR :: 
|                                                                     n_aSy
|     Synonym in TyConAppCo: (Compiler.Hoopl.Block.IndexedCO
|                               (Sym dt_d26Y) <a_aSz>_N <b_aSA>_N)_R
| *** Offending Program ***
| Compiler.Hoopl.Block.backBiasBlock
|   :: forall (n_asZ :: * -> * -> *) e_at0 x_at1.
|      Compiler.Hoopl.Block.Block n_asZ e_at0 x_at1
|      -> Compiler.Hoopl.Block.Block n_asZ e_at0 x_at1
| [...many lines of output follow...]
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