Here's my remaining list before putting out a realse candidate. I'm aiming
for this weekend:

*-- General --*
[ ] haddock linkage from HP packages to GHC core packages is broken
[ ] decision on QuickCheck?

*-- Source Tarball --*
[ ] missing scripts
[ ] missing os-extras in hptool/src

*-- Mac --*
[ ] start.html needs a once over updating
[ ] uninstall-hs should clean out /usr/local/bin symlinks (as it does with

*-- Windows --*
[ ] GLUT issue in ghci

*-- Website --*
[ ] templatize info on pages
[ ] add build mode to bptool Main
    - needs to take file of downloads & hashes

​Anyone have anything else? Otherwise... we're almost good to go!!!!

- Mark
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