On 08/11/14 11:18 PM, Carter Schonwald wrote:
why should this flag be passed to cpp when invoked on HS files? It'd be
easy to expose another field in the settings file for this other
invokecation.. though i should look more closely at the use site before
opinining :)

Hmm, isn't doCpp function what's invoked when cpp is invoked for HS files? If so, then -x assembler-with-cpp is already used for HS files anyway.


On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Karel Gardas <karel.gar...@centrum.cz
<mailto:karel.gar...@centrum.cz>> wrote:

    On 08/11/14 08:48 PM, Carter Schonwald wrote:

        What i'm hearing you say is we actually need TWO sets of CPP
        flags, one
        for normal haskell, and another for the CPP used on the assembler?
        wheres this hardcoding?

    DriverPipeline.hs -- grep for "assembler-with-cpp" and you will find it.

    IMHO best would be to move this "-x assembler-with-cpp" into the
    hs-cpp-flags managed by configure. This way it may be even possible
    to use system supplied plain cpp instead of cpp builtinto GNU C.


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