Hi *,

Here are some status updates for the past week, which have been a bit light.

 - I spent a bunch of time code reviewing things and merging patches
this week. There are still things in Phabricator that need some
review, so please review them if you get a chance! You will probably
learn things and learning things is good. [1]

 - I spent more time getting a Windows builder working, and talking
with upstream about it. I believe it should Basically Work, but
unfortunately the changes for this have not gone upstream yet, so it
will probably be a week or two before I can officially do that

 - I have spent some time fixing some bugs, and I'm posting a review
for some shortly, notably 7602!

Unrelated to what I in particular am doing Right Now:

 - I would still _really_ like help with the Applicative Monad patch;
I haven't touched it much. Please pester me if you have some cycles to
spare. Or just helping me brainstorm would be really really useful![2]

 - After some minor instability in the tree earlier this week (test
failures), everything is back to normal (Thanks to Edward & Simon).
Please ping here if you're still having trouble on your machine.

 - I still think we should turn on --slow mode for our buildbots soon,
but this will cause noise. I'd really like some inputs on this - maybe
someone would like to help clean up the 'slow' vaildate failures?
Bonus points for this, since you don't even have to

 - Gabor Pali & I had a minor discussion this last week about fixing
nightly documentation snapshots. We've had complaints about this in
the past and the prior system totally disappeared, so it will be
really nice to fix this! Binary snapshots should be possible too, but
documentation is perhaps the more key thing.

 A little work is necessary for this though, and my time is limited as
always. Please let me know if you'd like to help with this, and I'll
pull you into the loop with Gabor so can tackle this.


I've probably forgotten some things other people have done the past
week, including myself. If you have any questions, suggestions, or
want to pop in on this email and say something, you should. :)

[1] https://phabricator.haskell.org/differential/
[2] https://phabricator.haskell.org/D13


Austin Seipp, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP, http://www.well-typed.com/
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