Ah, just look at all these brace-and-semicolon languages, and how they thrive, and how many beginners have mastered them...

#include <stdio.h>

int main () {
  ; /* It is sunny today, so I am in the mood for a leading semi. */
  ; /* Still not in the mood to start work.                       */
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < 5; i++) {
    printf("%d", i);
  }; /* Mmh, do you need to put a semi after the closing brace?   */
     /* Let's put one, just to be sure.                           */
  /* TODO: more code */;

import Data.Foldable (forM_)

main = do {
  ; -- It is sunny today, so I am in the mood for a leading semi.
  ; -- Still not in the mood to start work.
  ; forM_ [0..4] $ \ i -> do {
      print i ;}
  ;} -- Mmh, do you need to put a semi befor the closing brace?
     -- Let's put one, just to be sure.

On 25.09.2014 09:13, Iavor Diatchki wrote:

My 2c: I don't think that supporting trailing commas is worth the
additional complexity to the compiler and the language.

I work with Haskell on a daily basis, and I honestly don't think that
this is going to simplify my job in any way.  On the other hand, it
seems like it it will make it more complex to write tools that process
Haskell, and to explain the syntax of the language to beginners.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Alexander Berntsen
<alexan...@plaimi.net <mailto:alexan...@plaimi.net>> wrote:

    Hash: SHA256

    On 24/09/14 08:50, Edward Kmett wrote:
    > I'm personally of the "it should be a language extension like
    > everything else" mindset
    Yeah, I'm going the Pragma route.

    > If we limit it to record-like notions, and import/export lists,
    > then we don't have to deal with conflicts with TupleSections and
    > while it is inconsistent to have tuples behave differently, than
    > other comma-separated lists, I'd really rather retain tuple
    > sections, which I use somewhat heavily, than lose them to mindless
    > uniformity over how we handle comma-separated lists.
    I'm implementing it for things where I 100% subjectively feel it makes
    sense. This does *not* include tuples, for the reason you mention.

    When I get the time, I will make a Wiki page outlining what I'm changing
    and my motivation for doing it. We can then have a discussion about
    where to draw the line.

    I need to figure out a more elegant solution than tweaking the parser
    for each individual item. If someone knows their way around this code,
    please talk to me on IRC/SIP/XMPP/whatever. Just email me for contact
    info. I'll be busy today with a haskell workshop, but I plan on
    spending the rest of the week on this business.
    - --
    alexan...@plaimi.net <mailto:alexan...@plaimi.net>
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