Dear Carter, Simon, et al,

(CC'd SPJ on this explicitly, because I *think* he'll be most knowledgeable on 
some of the constraints that need to be guaranteed for Uniques)

I agree, but to that end, a few parameters need to become clear. To this end, 
I've created a Phabricator-thing that we can discuss things off of:

Here are my open issues:

- There were ad hoc domains of Uniques being created everywhere in the compiler 
(i.e. characters chosen to classify the generated Uniques). I have gathered 
them all up and given them names as constructors in Unique.UniqueDomain. Some 
of these names are arbitrary, because I don't know what they're for precisely. 
I generally went for the module name as a starting point. I did, however, make 
a point of having different invocations of mkSplitUniqSupply et al all have 
different constructors (e.g. HscMainA through HscMainC). This is to prevent the 
high potential for conflicts (see comments in uniqueDomainChar). If there are 
people that are more knowledgeable about the use of Uniques in these modules 
(e.g. HscMain, ByteCodeGen, etc.) can say that the uniques coming from these 
different invocations can never cause conflict, they maybe can reduce the 
number of UniqueDomains.


- Some UniqueDomains only have a handful of instances and seem a bit wasteful.

- Uniques were represented by a custom-boxed Int#, but serialised as Word32. 
Most modern machines see Int# as a 64-bit thing. Aren't we worried about the 
potential for undetected overlap/conflict there?

- What is the scope in which a Unique must be Unique? I.e. what if 
independently compiled modules have overlapping Uniques (for different Ids) in 
their hi-files? Also, do TyCons and DataCons really need to have guaranteed 
different Uniques? Shouldn't the parser/renamer figure out what goes where and 
raise errors on domain violations?

- There seem to be related-but-different Unique implementations in Template 
Haskell and Hoopl. Why is this?

- How critical is it to let mkUnique (and mkSplitUniqSupply) be pure functions? 
If they can be IO, we could greatly simplify the management of (un)generated 
Uniques in each UniqueDomain and quite possibly make the move to a threaded GHC 
easier (for what that's worth). Also, this may help solve the non-determinism 

- Missing haddocks, failing lints (lines too long) and a lot of cosmetics will 
be met when the above points have become a tad more clear. I'm more than happy 
to document a lot of the answers to the above stuff in Unique and/or commentary.



From: Carter Schonwald <>
Sent: 07 October 2014 21:30
To: Holzenspies, P.K.F. (EWI)
Cc: Austin Seipp;
Subject: Re: Again: Uniques in GHC

in some respects, having fully deterministic builds is a very important goal: a 
lot of tooling for eg, caching builds of libraries works much much better if 
you have that property :)

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:45 PM, 
<<>> wrote:

<<>> on behalf of Austin Seipp 

So I assume your change would mean 'ghc -j' would not work for 32bit.
I still consider this a big limitation, one which is only due to an
implementation detail. But we need to confirm this will actually fix
any bottlenecks first though before getting to that point.

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Let me just add that what I'm proposing by no means prohibits or hinders making 
32-bit GHC-versions be parallel later on, it just doesn't solve the problem. It 
depends to what extent the "fully deterministic behaviour" bug is considered a 
priority (there was something about parts of the hi-files being 
non-deterministic across different executions of GHC; don't recall the details).

Anyhow, the work I'm doing now exposes a few things about Uniques that confuse 
me a little and that could have been bugs (that maybe never acted up). Extended 
e-mail to follow later on.

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