In general I think a good course of action when this happens is:

* Use git bisect to find the offending commit. This works now because we
moved to submodules.
* Revert the commit.
* Push the patch to master and notify the author.

This style of early rollback will become more important as we grow as it
puts the onus on fixing on the right person and minimizes negative impact
on other developers.
On Dec 1, 2014 9:43 AM, "Herbert Valerio Riedel" <> wrote:

> Hello Simon,
> On 2014-12-01 at 09:38:37 +0100, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> > |  Just a hunch... could it have been broken by one of the recent linker-
> > |  related patches since Nov 24th?
> >
> > That seems very plausible, yes.  But still there's the question of
> > what to do about it.
>  a) Empirically: Try locally 'git revert'ing
>      383733b9191a36e2d3f757700842dbc3855911d9
>      and/or
>      b5e8b3b162b3ff15ae6caf1afc659565365f54a8
>      and see if your problem goes away, or
>  b) Ask Simon Marlow (he either wrote or reviewed those two patches) if
>     he sees something odd in those patches that could have broken
>     Windows' GHCi...
> Cheers,
>   hvr
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